First Lady and America’s personal trainer Michelle Obama was up to her usual tricks last week, going to a Washington Kastles game , celebrating the beginning of Malia’s angsty teen years , and probably hanging out in the vegetable garden.
Malia's teenage rebellion is going to be eating gummi bears by the mouthful chased down with pure, American HFCS. "You can't tell me what to do, Mom!!! I'll eat what I want! I'm sick of arugula!" And Michelle will cry and cry and ask the heavens, "How did I raise such a daughter?!? Gaia, why hast though forsaken me?"
I was all ready to get on that 10th Amendment bandwagon, then I read this and remembered how bad state and local governments were, and was all "fuck it".
The dictionary says "suitable" means "satisfying propriety," and some of those vegetables can have obscene shapes. Especially the cucumbers. Little children's minds could be permanently warped on seeing them.
I bet if she'd just stuck a "Palin for President" sign in the middle of the cucumbers, the whole thing would have been transformed into "suitable".
She can only have "suitable" white trash wingnut shit on her lawn. Like crabgrass, weeds, an old truck or two and, if you're really well off, a washing machine.
Those are called vegetables.
When the food production and distribution system collapses, we will all be planting gardens.
Malia's teenage rebellion is going to be eating gummi bears by the mouthful chased down with pure, American HFCS. "You can't tell me what to do, Mom!!! I'll eat what I want! I'm sick of arugula!" And Michelle will cry and cry and ask the heavens, "How did I raise such a daughter?!? Gaia, why hast though forsaken me?"
I was all ready to get on that 10th Amendment bandwagon, then I read this and remembered how bad state and local governments were, and was all "fuck it".
Damn... can't we get a virtual (Michael Vick-trained) Doberman to patrol the place?
Especially if you tinker with it on weekends, and fire up the afterburners every now and then while you're "tuning it up".
do these people have jobs or anything else to do?
Personally I think a prolific, healthy vegetable garden is beautiful.
The dictionary says "suitable" means "satisfying propriety," and some of those vegetables can have obscene shapes. Especially the cucumbers. Little children's minds could be permanently warped on seeing them.
Next year I bet she's growing the throwing kind of vegetables instead of the eating kind.
I bet if she'd just stuck a "Palin for President" sign in the middle of the cucumbers, the whole thing would have been transformed into "suitable".
The guy across the street from me.
She can only have "suitable" white trash wingnut shit on her lawn. Like crabgrass, weeds, an old truck or two and, if you're really well off, a washing machine.
It's where Domino's started, so I'd say yes.