Which by the way is a lie, because the killer only shouted them to the mountaintop with a bullhorn. It's like these people are allergic to the truth!

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Seriously. Any pundit or "political operative" who uses that phrase should have thier mics immediately and permanently turned out for the rest of the story cycle.

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I suspect that's probably the point (or at least an important side benefit).

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Clearly then, Unitarian church services are the Marijuana of religion..

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When I was a kid the priest's sermons at Mass used to make me nod off.

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Fomenters Of The Frenzy

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"You’d think that the Man From FOTF would have come up with a better idea than this..."

Hummmm, No, I pretty much never think that people from FOTF will ever come up with a better idea about anything.

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A very dear friend had a very bad psychotic episode after consuming marijuana edibles (half a piece of candy). However, she did not go into a homicidal rage, she ended up hospitalized. (which was a horror story).

Fungus (aka "focus on the family", or "focus on fascism") cannot wait to insert its ignorant viewpoints into everything.

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there aren't too many dispensaries in that area, stuart.

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Theist concern troll^^^^^^^^^^

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This atheist think AR is a selfish, dead hypocrite. But back to the topic. How many US atheists killed in the name of atheism or in service to a solely atheist cause? Face it, there are a bunch of turds in your pool.

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Where are the xians decrying this Xian terrorist's actions! No more Xian refugees! They are a violent people and their book tells them to be violent with genocides and rapings! Snark-ish

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Firstly, LOL at the idea that I'm a "theist". I hate smug religious bigots just as much as smug atheist bigots - probably more, but yeah, a bit of concern trolling never hurt to balance the scales once one side gets on their high horse.

To the point: the question of "body count" is unbelievably stupid to gauge relative evil, because you have to decide how to decide who is responsible for deaths. I would say - for example - that Trumpy is responsible for Muslim deaths for ginning up hatred against Muslims. And so, thus, is Crazy Old Man Dawkins, Racist Sam Harris, and Dead Hitchens.

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At our current % of population, every atheist in the USA could go on a 24/7 bitch fest and never come close to the Xian faux victimhood, so your idea of balance is about as well founded as Fox News's. As to atheists in US killing in the name of atheism, well you completely failed to comprehend or answer the query. It is pretty easy to lay the blame for murder on the murderer. Encitement is a different thing altogether and was not part of my query. Although I don't hear atheists calling for atheists to kill others in the name of atheism, so..... maybe Harris, et al do, but I don't read their works, so wouldn't know

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It is difficult to listen to someone that supported the awol coke head that cheated his way into office disparage cannabis. But then again these assholes were also big supporters of tail gunner joe and the John Birch Society.

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It's easier to buy a gun than marijuana. In michissippi we have to show a card to buy or vote but we need nothing to buy a gun and ammo. They do charge a lot for that lead in the FLINT river, though. Michissippi, we are going to give you lead whether you like it or not. Why eat cake when you can just drink a glass of lead infused water, compliments of DICK snyder.

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