Well, if you're a smart criminal...

But they're Trumpers, so they're Stoopid Krimanulls.

So the correct answer is "Act as guilty as shit, and tweet about it constantly."

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Nope. They'll be made as hell, and vote in greater numbers than now.

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Unfair! The Ukrainians have rigged the Geiger counter! Bigly!

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The trouble is, it's worked so far. "Violation of my oath?? Whatever, dude..."

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that fucking duffey statement is my new audition monologue.

not even partly kidding.

that shit is gorgeous.

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They're acting like totally innocent people with nothing to hide. Their long, convoluted, improbable explanations are super believable.

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Also, how else are you gonna make a point at a Christmas party if you can't shoot thirteen people?

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Does he mean that we will win the war against irrational aggressors?

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The news media keeps spreading the bullshit about "smoking gun." It's like they are saying, there is no smoking gun there is no smoking gun, while they are fanning the air and muttering, we can't find the smoking gun, can't see shit because of all this smoke!

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I’m just glad I know New Zealand has a woman PM, and Australia has a man PM, and Austria has no kangaroos

Just not that well versed on all the names of the current heads of government

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And in a sense the slogan Calvin Trillin suggested for a famously corrupt Buffalo politician, Never Been Indicted, is off the table. Because impeachment is kind of indictment. 🥰🥰🥰

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And imagination. And tactical thinking.

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I have pondered on this, a little bit. I think they’re just afraid to make a decision. They’ve all turned into gutless yes men who can’t think. And 10 years from now there will be all these books on how they froze. And didn’t even do any tactical thinking or have conversations like that. Which is fascinating in an absolutely repulsive sort of way.

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Also suitable for all audiences and network TV also too!

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"Fascinating in an absolutely repulsive sort of way" describes Trump to a "T" and should be the GOP's new motto. I loathe Trump with the heat of 1000 suns, but there is something about him that makes you look at him. He's like the human equivalent of a car wreck.

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