Listening to MSNBC on gun violence, I heard a phrase as "vigilante justice." It's instant vigilante INjustice.
We shouldn't arm our fears. There's no courage, decency, or dignity in "shooting because I'm scared."
I think people are intoxicated by fear. I suspect a big part of this is not feeling in control of our own lives and our own pain and trauma-- whether it's adult misery or juvenile envy.
Had ME laffin'!!
Ta, Dok. Totally disgusting.
Just like candy cigarettes! Except, ya know, fatal.
At least since it bought and sold human beings, and probably before that, or they wouldn't have started to
Oh good. At least the guns are safe
How long has Tennessee been a steaming pile of shit? Since the beginning?
"Protect citizens, not gun manufacturers who work intentionally to be part of the problem."
Now THAT'S a fetish.
The other person was the girl's father.
You could always go back to Col. Potter (Harry Morgan) in the old MASH TV show and say "horse pucky".
Best of luck, no kidding.
Outlaw poverty! So simple, so obvious!! Why hasn't anyone ever thought of this before...
Listening to MSNBC on gun violence, I heard a phrase as "vigilante justice." It's instant vigilante INjustice.
We shouldn't arm our fears. There's no courage, decency, or dignity in "shooting because I'm scared."
I think people are intoxicated by fear. I suspect a big part of this is not feeling in control of our own lives and our own pain and trauma-- whether it's adult misery or juvenile envy.
Yeah, I saw that show too, and really did not care that the guest kept using that phrase. There's no "justice" being done in these constant shootings.
Are you guys sure we can't eject states from the Union..?