Couch Panther is magnificent!

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I hear you: although I don't react as badly as you, I also feel really off for a day or two afterwards - with me it's more like that malaise when you're burnt out and coming down with something, so I can semi-function at least. Sometimes my arm gets inflamed at the injection site. It's not fun.

But in 2015 I too was reminded that real flu us far worse - I was off work for a week, shivering even with multiple layers on and couldn't keep anything down for three days.

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I think I was asking about the immune memory, thanks for the lesson!!!

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My mom still tells the story of how she got chicken pox after her grandfather's chickens bit her. That coincidence is funnier though, tell your husband I'm sorry, pneumonia sucks.

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Nopety, nope. The H1 is hemagglutinin type 1 and there are 16 (N1-N16). N1 is a neuraminidase and there are 9 (N1-N9). Each antibody only protects against the one specific protein it recognizes. Also, not sure how long the immune memory lasts.

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I need to contact the Infection Control RN at work and find out when we can get the vaccine at work. Interestingly enough, my employer sponsored health plan charged my husband a $40 copay to get his at the pharmacy when he picked up his meds. I work for a large healthcare company, go figure.

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Thankfully I have not had the flu since I was 14-15, that bugger knocked me flat on my back for 4 days, and I was sick for a week. A friend of mine died from the flu a few years back,(3, maybe 4 years ago). He was a healthy active guy, around 40 yo. Docs put him in a medical coma, but his organs gave up after 10 days or so. Flu is nothing to play around with, better safe than dead.

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(Sorry, just saw this!) No. All you have to do is walk in & let them know you are on your way to the pharmacy.

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That's horrible. Measles are nothing to be messed with, you don't want your young child or Nana to get them because they could die. They're horrible for grown ups, and can have serious complications. Which is why anti-vaxxers make me stabby.

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Considering he barebacks everybody, he probably already has.

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Makes me wish I was an Evangelical. If you don't believe in evolution, then it doesn't exist, right?

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You know that saying, well-knock me over with a feather, yeah-that's dead.

We are now going with, well-come over and slap me with an octopus.

**and PS, get yer frickin' flu shots or I'll come over and knock you down with an octopus feather.

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I remember Dad taking the whole family to the local high school where they had a setup in the gym for the polio vaccine. there were people in my school in leg braces. People treated that vaccine like the miracle it truly was.

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I got really sick in my early 20s. If it wasn't my stomach, then it was my head or chest. I lost my voice for a day. In all, I was miserable for 3 weeks.

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When I'm sick, I just want everyone to leave me the fuck alone.

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Got mine earlier this year, after visiting the doctor's office on an unrelated matter.

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