I would enjoy that as well. A Tsunami will enable the nosehair, imho.

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assumes facts not in evidence: intelligence of Trumps base

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I hear Bevin needed the job.

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Saturday-night-massacre, Bork.

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Yet McConnell keeps getting elected.

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There's a term for this? Is it, a hot fucking mess? No, not quite right. Is it, all kinds of fucked up? Yeah, that about describes/nails it.

This is as partisan as it gets, it is what partisan is. There is no consideration past the Party and that's bad for Democrats but its the fricking worst for the nation. Yep, McConnell's feats of fuckery hurt the Repubs too, maybe more even.

So, that Turtlesque Tortuga hiding in plain Tortoise shell clothing is hurting everyone, especially his own people and why, so he can retain and/or gain power to be able to do more and worse to everybody all over again.This reptile is a dying breed that breeds dying. He's a testudine that shirks his shell to shat upon the system and citizenry for shits and giggles.

A meteor shower to his nuts wouldn't even be a satisfying enough end to Moscow Mitch the Derailleur.

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Amy McGrath 2020!

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I'm in the "it was a stupid idea to end filibusters" camp and thought so at the time.

Obama really didn't get his judicial appointments through. So Reid gave away the filibuster for nothin'.

Would Moscow Mitch have done away with it once the Democrats used it?

Maybe. We'll never know. But like the phony impeachment "trial" he'd like to put on, folks would see it for the fetching for The Donald that it is.

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No. The point is, there was a tool that got traded away for a handful of magic beans, aka GOP promises of good faith.

Ending it now at the behest of The Donald would have been a political fight. With what outcome, who can know?

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Hey, we can arrange that. Be a genuine pleasure, provided it's one-way for ya.

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No. That is not exactly the same way.

There woulda been a fight, and who knows the outcome.

But it would have been seen to be at The Donalds bidding.

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Let's not be so hasty about putting a whole lotta people of color under a white nationalist regime, eh?

It wasn't the Civil War that was the mistake. It was ending Reconstruction too early, without "40 acres and a mule."

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No. That's the way the right wing money machine has run for quite some time. See the long career of Jay Sekulow, now Trump's counsel.

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They ought to be restored in defense of the rights of Senate minorities

And then we need reforms to our electoral system to get more viewpoints represented.

One way would be to move the House over to multi-member districts with proportional representation.

With more minor party candidates electable, their turnout will rise, and this will ripple up and down the ballot.

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I had no idea till now that his real name was Addison. No wonder he hates life.

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I hate Mitch McConnell more than I hate the shape-shifter that lives in my digestive system.

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