Hmm. So, the motherfucker was, once upon a time, sort of funny. (I have not paid much attention to teevee for twenty years or so). Why is he such a jackass now?
Yep. Said she was his "fiancee". Filed for divorce the day after he was outed. Then he "canceled" the engagement (i.e. threw the girlfriend under the bus) in a lame attempt to save his own sorry butt. The good, solid Christians running the school somehow failed to be impressed, and canned his ass anyhow.
By the way, the "fiancee" turned out to be married also, too. Not gay, though, so by teabagger standards they both have great "family values."
I see he got 21 D'ouchebags to "favorite" that gem. In the unlikely event that somebody who's not one of his 21 remaining fans is employing this asshole, I hope they catch wind of this.
Speaking of gems, here&#039;s D&#039;ickwad <a href="http:\/\/\/books\?id=GUAQbC4ZbmcC&amp\;pg=PA171#v=onepage&amp\;q&amp\;f=false" target="_blank">writing about divorce </a> (other than his, of course):
&quot;Children lose their childhood on the day that parents divorce. They become vulnerable to a host of social pathologies that are well known. Judith Wallerstein&#039;s landmark twenty-five-year study shows that the problems of divorce persist even into adulthood.... If children had the vote, there would be no such thing as divorce. Children are to the right of even Muslims on this issue.&quot;
For some reason, you can no longer search for the word &quot;divorce&quot; within his book. Can&#039;t imagine who might have told Google to turn that off...
Seriously, for fuck&#039;s sake. Aside from his own divorce, has this fucknut never heard from other children who thought divorce was kind of sad, but basically a good idea? Because I&#039;m just a guy, but I have heard dozens of those stories.
Several hours later, I tried to upfist this, but I already had done. This should go in the Wonkette Comment Hall of Fame, if Wonkette allowed comments.
Needs to be linked to the Texas expulsion bill, so we don&#039;t have to screw up the U.S. flag.
This trivial piece of shit isn&#039;t even worth a position on the wall.
Build the danged wall
Hmm. So, the motherfucker was, once upon a time, sort of funny. (I have not paid much attention to teevee for twenty years or so). Why is he such a jackass now?
I didn&#039;t realize it was that long.
They expect him to self-deport.
I&#039;d just like to point out that I don&#039;t need a holiday to be glad I&#039;m not Dinesh D&#039;Souza.
You&#039;re a lesser man than I am, Gunga D&#039;erp.
Yep. Said she was his &quot;fiancee&quot;. Filed for divorce the day after he was outed. Then he &quot;canceled&quot; the engagement (i.e. threw the girlfriend under the bus) in a lame attempt to save his own sorry butt. The good, solid Christians running the school somehow failed to be impressed, and canned his ass anyhow.
By the way, the &quot;fiancee&quot; turned out to be married also, too. Not gay, though, so by teabagger standards they both have great &quot;family values.&quot;
I see he got 21 D&#039;ouchebags to &quot;favorite&quot; that gem. In the unlikely event that somebody who&#039;s not one of his 21 remaining fans is employing this asshole, I hope they catch wind of this.
Speaking of gems, here&#039;s D&#039;ickwad <a href="http:\/\/\/books\?id=GUAQbC4ZbmcC&amp\;pg=PA171#v=onepage&amp\;q&amp\;f=false" target="_blank">writing about divorce </a> (other than his, of course):
&quot;Children lose their childhood on the day that parents divorce. They become vulnerable to a host of social pathologies that are well known. Judith Wallerstein&#039;s landmark twenty-five-year study shows that the problems of divorce persist even into adulthood.... If children had the vote, there would be no such thing as divorce. Children are to the right of even Muslims on this issue.&quot;
For some reason, you can no longer search for the word &quot;divorce&quot; within his book. Can&#039;t imagine who might have told Google to turn that off...
Seriously, for fuck&#039;s sake. Aside from his own divorce, has this fucknut never heard from other children who thought divorce was kind of sad, but basically a good idea? Because I&#039;m just a guy, but I have heard dozens of those stories.
Damn, I loved Allen Sherman. I&#039;m old, I know. I&#039;ll see myself out.
Needz moar Bootsie.
Several hours later, I tried to upfist this, but I already had done. This should go in the Wonkette Comment Hall of Fame, if Wonkette allowed comments.
Oh, fuck you, asshole. That&#039;s as eloquent as I can get- it&#039;s what sprang to mind immediately when I read that.
There&#039;s a nice long one in China we could use.