I call it "the myth of the deserving rich .... and the deserving poor". I mean I'm sure there's a handful of each, but neither is the rule.

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<blockquote>The. Catholic ones must dread every time Francis opens his mouth.</blockquote>

Oh <a href="http:\/\/www.rawstory.com\/rs\/2013\/09\/22\/pope-francis-lashes-out-at-world-economic-system-for-worshiping-a-god-called-money\/" target="_blank">hell yeah</a>.

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Yeh . . . an honest mistake.

JK, the fucker's a lying douchebag.

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It's the one you read in your bunk.

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<blockquote>Another way of looking at this is that the Affordable Care Act will insure an estimated 30 million additional Americans over ten years at an additional cost of about $2,070 per additional insured per year. We don’t know if that is a good deal because we are not experts on accounting, actuarial sciences, health policy, or economics.</blockquote> Well looking at it another way, $2,070 per year works out to be $175.50 per month. As someone who has been shopping for individual health insurance pretty steadily for the past few years, I can assure you that this would be an extraordinarily low monthly premium for comprehensive health insurance coverage for an individual not covered by an employer-based plan. About one whole order of magnitude lower than current monthly premiums for such plans, in fact. (Move the decimal point one digit to the right to see what would be charged per month for such a plan today.)

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Just <strike>do</strike> cook the meth, people. There, I fixed it.

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Spice is the variety of life

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Here's one weird trick that Forbes' accountants hate!

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but it's Obummer's fault for not selling the ACA better- at least that's what Chuck Toad told me

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4 lozenges per family per year

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Do you live in Lake Wobegone?

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"Check out these 12 tiniest Forbes' breasts"

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I want to know what was said, but not enough to actually click over to Forbes.

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Lying Liars tell lies about program they hate, and have been lying about with lying lies since its very conception?

Color me shocked.

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Just another winger accidentally revealing their true objection to the ACA despite thinking they'd oh-so-cleverly stopped <em>just</em> before saying it in so many words:

They hate that poor people will receive necessary health care.

That's the long and short of it. That's their objection. The poor should just die quietly in a hovel out of sight, is basically the conservative position.

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Oh come on, he's a conservative, you know he'll just steal the music at least until he receives the cease and desist letter.

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