Lets all inherit the same quantities and access to means. Then we can have this conversation.

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It doesn't matter if she is desirable looking or not.

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Its the one good thing she could do..to bad its lie. No matter what, they will get access to more than most people get for their entire life.

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Yes. Rich people prefer a system that consolidates their power...IE rich people vs poor people

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Just think about it...her graddaddy was that rich and still couldn't pull woman he actually wanted.You can't tell me the mother was a great lady. Look at her behavior. She seems horrible. Probably Butthurt she is fat and ugly no matter how many billions she accrues at the expense of people who work for a living.

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They will have ai drones to put you down that you built for them (people who actually work for a living)

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So her kids are living on welfare going to a public school in an area of poverty?

When billionaires say their kids won't get anything...they mean all they get is a few million dollars and access to entry level ivy schools.

Also, this means that the accrued wealth will likely go to some perpetual system of capital control which implements their design for society. This is most likely because they do not trust their kids to do what they want them to do. Rich people have control issues

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Forbes, like all rich people mouth pieces, want people to believe that so few people merit wealth...from that quote it obviously implies that the rich are the most meritorious because it creates the assumption that rich over power those with more opportunity with sheer ability- this is extremely rare and sheer ability is still always a secondary factor to opportunity.

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Isn't this the woman whose father hated her, and whose children are being cheated by her? Yes, we need more life lessons from her. Also, all that money and she looks like THAT? When you have billions, you don't even have to have any taste; you can just pay people to have taste for you.

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i have to defend marie antoinette here. she may have been vapid but she was hardly the master of her own fate like this australian orc.

or the monster. this women lives in a first world country in the 21st c. for fuck's sake.

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it would be cool if her minerals ran out.

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RIGHT! i've been calling her an orc, but shelob is TOTALLY the right answer.


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the only reason we have any progress is because we continually fight for it - and continually bat troglodytes back to their caves.


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with all that money she should just buy Harry Potter's cloak of invisibility, though from the picture it looks like it'll take more than one...

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i didn't think orcs actually existed.

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