that's right world! o'bama's done! hope you'll be welcoming his repub replacement!

i'm looking at you europe.

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Obama won't be respected on the world stage until he pukes in someone's lap or mauls their shoulders.

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Maybe if they dropped candy and hits of MDMA instead of y'know High Explosives and Thermobaric bombs.

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Equus? Merkle can be the old shrink, Obama the boy and everyone else gets to be a horse.

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Maybe Bush heard there was nothing like riding a German war machine around Europe.

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It can happen, but only between two who get married or people who work in the same academic department for the next 20 years sticking with people from TA to adjunct to tenure.

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Can we give Texas back to the Lizard People?

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We should invade that country again so I can remember exactly where it is.

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Heh...the picture looks like one of those games you'd find at the carnival. The one where you have to shoot water into a target and the more accurate you are, the faster your horse goes, although in this case it would be a world leader.

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