Have one for me, please. Daily. I can't drink alcoholic beverages anymore.

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They used to talk shit about Putin, too.

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well, those would be required for a full disclosure of that nature.

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Eventually, you're going to get so tired of the trickling.

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Don't forget, he isn't on board with the CIA report about Russian involvement in the election because there isn't any evidence.

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And you know the Repubs will be screaming for the Dem candidate's tax returns in 2020.

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Didn't Israel take the "Two-state solution" off the table the morning after the election? There goes The Holy Land.

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It's ethnic cleansing cosplaying as "tough on crime"

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The Long Form

And it still won't be enough.

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The Kenyan Usurper ISIS-Founder Barack Hussein Obama oppressed it under his boots.


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I'd consider buying him a (craft-brewed) beer.

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Someone get that guy a ticket out of the US :/ Even if he was directly involved in the coup, everyone deserves a fair trial and due process...

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Frankly, the Trump conflicts of interest are a red herring. The issues that matter are his nominations and their coming policies. Stay focused Wonkette.

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Did the Donald marry Kim? I must have missed that.

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Any sentient human being who reads the Eichenwald piece and DOESN'T move to keep this POS out of office cannot consider him/herself an American, either by choice or chance. Demand an explanation from your members of Congress of where their allegiances lie-to their re-election, or our democracy.

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