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Served in leather chaps?

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*pat pat* That's nice, dear.

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"Whose Country Is It Anyway? Where the foreign policy is made up, and the facts don't matter."

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Assless, of course!

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That's not Trump, because the toilet isn't gold-plated.

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Same here. The SO is in full "give him a chance" dementia so I've been leaving the room at times. Must say it's improved my reading habits.

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i've been doing that with paul ryan. fortunately, he doesn't make the national news shows very often (i have ota tv only).

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in Wisconsin, they don't give corporations tax breaks to retain, and create, jobs. they give them "loans." then conveniently forgot to finish and file the "loan papers" so there's no record when the company doesn't make its "loan" payments.oh...and also, no jobs were created or retained by any of those "loans." i guess because, without the "loan" papers that said that was part of the agreement....why?

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it might have more to do with defense contract of carrier's 'parent company.'

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as to the last bit of your comment--that was how it was for federal contracts. until reagan. he changed that, and the downward slide of the middle class began.

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Another sore winner. The man is pissed because we still don't admire his stupid and/or delusional opinions even though his candidate has "won".

Did you expect that a Trump victory would entail automatic respect for the man and his deplorable electors ? That just shows how befuddled you were.

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Carrier was pulling a scam. They knew exactly how much they needed in bribes to keep part of the plant open. If they moved everything, they got nothing. So now, they a portrayed as the good guys and Trump has more ammunition to use for a massive tax cut for businesses. Threatening the parent company is just another part of the scam. United Technologies is one of only two major jet engine manufacturers in the US and excluding Russia and China, one of only three in the world. You can't cut their contracts without it costing billions of dollars and years of delays in military hardware. They control the spare parts market for their products, and for any other items, you are only spiting yourself by cutting them out of bids for other products, limiting competition in an area that already has little competition. Trump probably told UT he would take it easy on the audits and investigations of cost overruns as a little gimme. Carrier got exactly what they want. They moved the unprofitable lines to Mexico, kept the ones that were borderline but now profitable with the bribes, and promised to invest money in Indiana. Most likely on more automation, not more employees. And no government is going to condemn automation. Within 5 years, there will probably be more production at that plant but 200 fewer employees. And nothing will be said.

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Exactly. Benghazi.

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Well said.

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Yup. Life is too short to spend with bigoted, fact-resistant people (H/T Borowitz below).

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