First? Really? Umm, is there protocol for this?

Ahem. The extreme stupidity of the outrageous act by the "white supremacist legislature" puts Kentucky democrats on notice: the motherfuckers in the ky general assembly are probably plotting to outdo the TN lege with something even worse.

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I think DeSantis in FL will get the Legislature here to abolish Black History Month if he doesn't get to be president.

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Yay, Reps. Justin! Yay, Rep. Johnson!

Power to the people!

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As a white man I would really appreciate if these yahoos would stop embarrassing the rest of us.

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So the Repubs went through this charade, knowing that it's gonna end up being for nothing, because the men will be back. Typical GOP do-nothing BS.

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Performance veiled as action for their audience.

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Kamala Harris is on her way to Nashville now.

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Here is a letter I sent to all the reps who voted to expel (I am not a words person).

Dear Reps:

It is with disgust that I read about your vote to expel Reps Jones and Pearson. This was clearly a racist move as punishment for their having an opinion that aligns with most of Tennessee but is not the same as yours.

This was in no way an insurrection. There was no feces spread on people's desks, no barricades breached, no lecterns stolen, no police assaulted or hurt, no cries to hang anyone, no gallows built.

The real issue that you are avoiding by holding this Kangaroo Court is the number one threat to our children: gun violence. Guns are now the number one killer of children in the United States, a fact that cannot be ignored. No child should be afraid of getting shot at school.The majority of Tennesseeans want sensible gun laws to protect our children. As we saw in Nashville, having armed staff at school does little to protect students and staff.

When Harry Burn cast the deciding vote for women's suffrage, he showed that Tennessee can be a model of progress and a state to be proud of. Your votes show that we have stepped a long way back.

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I read that Rep. Johnson barely escaped because a few R’s didn’t vote, which affected the total votes needed. Also one R guy who is a professor voted no on all 3, I think the only one who did. But otherwise what a bunch of asswipes.

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The racist White Republicans knew exactly what they were doing AND as a bonus both Lawrence and POTUS Joe have told us the most important historical thing that Americans need to be paying attention to happened in that Tennessee state house last night


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Also one R guy who is a professor voted no on all 3, I think the only one who did. But otherwise

The fact that he was a CONSISTENT RACIST does not make him any less of what you called the others


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Are we going to wait for that to happen?

Are we a nation of laws, or are we not?

Come on, now


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As per the post yesterday, it was shown that the so-called violation of rules occurred during a recess in the proceedings, based on the video taken by a Republican. So....what violation, actually?

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Taking the video was itself a violation.

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I think you words just fine.

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I’m particularly upset that the staff of the TN assembly responsible for the chyron labeled Rep Justin Pearson as Rep Justin Jones until near the end of his testimony, The Knoxville television station overlaid with the correct chyron well before the state employee did. Joy Reid called out the TN assembly about the mislabeling on air, making sure viewers knew who to blame

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