He's definitely a former congressman. Pretty sure he's still a deadbeat.

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I think nounverb was joking about the Trump connection on that one. I visited the website he linked to and there's not one whiff of Trump about the whole thing. It is an astoundingly ugly design, though, isn't it?

I guess that's what you get when you have to put the tallest building in town on a tiny lot.

The time lapse film of it going up is pretty cool, though.


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About that "deadbeat fathers"... didn't the GOP do that, with welfare deform in the nineties under the Grinch, when they made it next to impossible to get on welfare if the father was living with the family?

mark "just asking"

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Joe Walsh, didn't he have a great TV career airing the FBI's 10 most wanted? FOX News couldn't find a place for him? He could have been their weather guy, or given the grain report. I don't think they have anyone giving the grain and farm animal futures report.

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I really don't think I have ever in my life said this with more feeling or for thought. In fact it is a phrase I have used for many many years and still, this is the first time I have ever said it really and truly from the very bottom of my soul to an individual. Joe Walsh JUST GO FUCK THE HELL OFF!! People like this are the problem and nothing they say has anything to do with a solution to the problems in our society. They are just small minded, rat fucking bastards (and bastardets, don't want to discriminate against them there republithugs with supposed lady parts) who think that if we all just embrace the imaginary god (lower case on purpose) that they worship all will be well and we will never shit again. In fact they promise that every fart will actually be a rainbow if we will only just embrace their lovely imaginary friend, quit bitching about the built in unfairness of our current system and then pull our selves up by the boot straps of our own shitty third hand used boots. So please Joe, GO FUCK THE HELL OFF!!

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No he sang that song, "Life's been Good to me (so far)"

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Dr. B.S. Carson could give the grain report on Fox, live from Cairo.

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With artisanal salt from Chris Christie's evaporated taint sweat.

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I can't wait to piss on his small grain storage structure someday.

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I know that, as with all topics involving race, this is a "hot-button" issue, but I must respectfully disagree with you:

"Definitionally" is not a made-up word.

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What the hell did I just read with the eyeballs that are no longer in my face because they jumped out of their sockets like the eyes of a Tex Avery wolf? Seriously, what the ever loving fuck?

Looks like I'm going to be cracking open the wine early today.

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Not this fuckweasel again.

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Oh. Well that's different. Never mind.

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That's what I get for trusting the red squiggly underline.

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Stuff this shithead into a bottle, cork it, and set him adrift in the Japanese Current.

/Hunter Thompson

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