I think it will be a W, which is better than an M

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Go to your room and think about what you've done!

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It's the F you have to worry about.

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I agree with caveats. The group I most FROWN on are the church goers. Even the Catholic Church moved services to be online. You can get your Jesus fix in other ways. But again, them getting infected means they'll likely infect others, and by that chain, maybe it'll get to someone I do care about.

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They just can't get this through their heads, sigh. 40 years of trickle-down, and it still doesn't work.

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ECONOMIC NEWS ITEM: Alcohol sales soaring.

''Booze will get you through times of no moneyBetterThan money will get you through times of no booze.''

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We are on shelter in place. People aren't supposed to be working in the community unless they are considered essential. I'm not sure that a tow truck operation towing cars out of private lots and then charging people to retrieve them is considered an essential service. I think the city should know about it.

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I'm no economist, but it seems like the best hope for an economic recovery is a national shelter-in-place order to deal with the damn contagion first. (I did study economics in grad school tho)

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We work that equation all the time when we decide not to fix that narrow winding road or that dangerous intersection, or put up a stop sign when only 2-3 people die every year. Now if you can just get it up to 8 or 10 ... All that ''It's worth it if only one life is saved'' is, in general, bullshit that local, state and national governments say but don't believe.

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"Hello, yes is this the ABC Store? Oh good, do y'all deliver?"

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'' 'To Serve Man': IT'S A COOKBOOK!''

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just as long as short people don't get to offer us the benefit of their expertise, everything should be fine.

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I suspect that poor old Boris may be one of the first leaders to succumb to the virus. 50% of people on ventilators don't even make it if I understand that correctly. https://www.npr.org/section...

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"In Canada, tank-tops could be breached within two to three weeks..." While that would indeed be ugly, it's the cargo shorts I'm worried about.

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I work for a tow company - apartments and condos are considered private property and the city cannot really do anything about it. The owner of the condos needs to be notified and contact the tow company, they are the ones that have the contract with said tow company. If you cannot locate a contact for said owners, going to the media/news may get you faster service

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