Yep. It's a fact that more votes are cast for democrats each election, but Republicans continue to dominate. This shit needs to stop.

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Thanks, Rags. I thought Congress was constantly wheelin' and dealin', case in point.

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No kidding. Too bad you guys aren't in on the WI action in the SCOTUS, though hopefully a favorable outcome will help.

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You just described the entire state of Texas.

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I am waiting for the Cheney-would-be-better argument. End times, indeed.

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Or Boy George.

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I thought they protested during the campaign. I wonder if the song is stopped before it creeps into copyright violation.

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When I watched the excerpt from his speech, I was reminded of Hitler's Cult of Personality.German women used to sob hysterically at Hitler's rallies. The plea for economic stability , no, REBIRTH - MAGA - distracting and/ or justifying average citizens ( his supporters ) from and for a multitude of xenophobic and tyrannical agendas. First they were sent home. There were the scapegoats, the Jews, in America's case , immigrants. Obviously, there are huge differences between Hitler and Trump. But his speeches, however inaccurate, appeal to the uber- patriotic, everyman level. Reporters = Dishonest !!!! Coal= GOOD. If you can stand to listen carefully, there's a flow to his speeches, despite his obsfucating repetitions, designed to, and achieving, a kind of mass hypnosis. A lie is the truth if said confidently enough. " CNN isn't recording my speech !!!!! "What baffles me is there is a huge Jewish Republican pool in the U.S.Can they not see the similarity ?

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Is dumbassness a superpower?

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Only if you can stare at an eclipse

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I meant battle-tested, of course, and thank God that didn't happen. Much as I hate to say it, MAD probably worked- arguably, they were deterred, we were deterred: the Mexican stand-off on a global scale. WWIII hasn't happened. Now if only we can all put our weapons aside.MAD has been the strategy for nearly 60 years, I estimate. I was a middle-schooler at the time when the Soviets were conducting many A-tests, with the goal of achieving parity with the US. Then came the Cuban missile crisis. Those were anxious times. Much raw material for nightmares.

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he's so lame, he'd get meg's super powers. growing his fingernails at will. and not into wolverine claws.

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hell, i'm anxious about the economy, but i'm not insane enough to think the corporatists are going to fix it, seeing as how they caused it.

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Appreciate what you're saying, but here's the thing: I've been exiled to WV, and my God, they haaate him here. The most recent haha funny thing going around these parts is some joke about putting Obama on the penny. Y'know, bcuz he's worthless? EVERYONE IS ON OBAMACARE, TOO. Well! I respond with fire, fury & frankly power, and maybe I've gotten a bit oversensitive. Thx for reminding me that this is a safe space, WHEW.

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