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Wait... I saw this before. Wasn't this a Reno 911 episode from season 3?

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The fact that no one was shot...

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Ta, Marcie. I look forward to the day I can forget these rogues existed.

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"ridiculam comoediam"

"ridicula comoedia" I think, it's nominative as it is subject of a dependent clause. Let me know if I err!

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this was just a tribute to local hero bob ritchie's wild nite at the waffle house, 2007.

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It's like if cartoon villains were real

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Needs more text bubbles.

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the performative hyper-masculinity and slipped vocal affectations and keen interest in wrestling and use of homophobic slurs makes me think there are some very deep issues this dude needs to deal with.

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That video is worth the entire 4:20 it takes to watch it.

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This is how ALL such police interventions should go. With the cops staying calm, ignoring insults and defiance, actively working to de-escalate the situation, and resolve it peacefully.

Obviously there's situations where "all guns blazing" is appropriate, but noise complaints in a hotel are not that situation. These cops didn't try and make anyone "Respect mah Authoritah!", the troublemakers were removed, and no bystanders got shot. Win win!

Americans, you deserve this kind of cop behaviour ALL. THE. TIME.

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A touch of tazer might have suited this clown.

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We'd all have enjoyed watching it and I'm not saying he didn't richly deserve it. But cops shouldn't use their weapons for any reason except lives in danger. No LID here, just an arsehole running his mouth.

We can't condemn police brutality against people we agree with, and cheer for it against people we don't. The standards we expect for our enemies are the standards we deserve for ourselves.

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<Cough> (Sonya Massie) <cough>

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Yeah, if the Sonya Massie cops had behaved like this she'd still be alive. They'd have listened to her concerns, reassured her and wished her good night. She deserved so much better.

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Daammmmn are all the Dearborn cops this cute?

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Not only patient, but very handsome...wow.

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It's funny how PAB has pretty much made executing drug dealers part of his platform, and then you find out all these people that work for him or try to help him - Ronnie Johnson as the WH pill pusher, AG Matthew Whitaker's patent firm in FL next to a strip club (steroids and who knows what else), Spadone and the other chuds at Veritas - are all getting down with controlled substances. 'Course one unofficial motto of the Republican party is "do as I say, not as I do"

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'A large Arab community'. And presumably teetotallers.

Yep, they were going to fool no-one in that disguise. Pity the IRA aren't active there.

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The officers should receive awards for not sinking to a Project Veritas low during this encounter.

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Should have called Animal Control to deal with that basket of rats.

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