I see she's hit that stage in human babby development where she looks like Uncle Fester, just with more hair.(Don't hit me, I LOVED Jackie Coogan!)

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last time *I* was there, it was still houston i.

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you can remove an accidental up post by clicking down post. So up post, down post, up post, down post...er, I'll show my self out.

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It's National as far as I'm concerned too. Asshole Reagan supporters who renamed it saddled WMATA with huge costs to change the name; all the while cutting their funding. Fuckers.

So I'm venting in a cute story about cute olds tweets. Sorry.

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I've learned to love and treasure the olds after having to spend so much time with them and their caregivers over the past few years. They are sweet and wise as long as you can wean them off the FOX bullshit.

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Pooping because she just heard about the GOP.

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I cannot remember her name but there is a comedian who points out they renamed National Airport after the president who fired all the air traffic controllers

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That Aaron Schlock tweet is weapons-grade shade.

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Well yes, it was technically Houston Intercontinental Airport, but it's lettering was IAH

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What?! Where? There's a statue of GHWB, but not GWB.

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"because you’re fucking delightful"

Isn't it time to retire this as a hip modifier? There are lots of alternatives. Please don't write like a juvenile. The word should be reserved for rare moments, like when you hit your thumb with a hammer.

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What's "delightful" about hitting your thumb with a hammer? You are weird, and also probably a pervert. Thanks for the suggestion.

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Not from around here, are you? I also loathe grammar scolds.

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I am confused as to what is the hip modifier? Unless they mean fucking in which case I never knew it was a modifier. How does one fucking modify delightfulness? How does one fucking modify anything?

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We chop the top, channel the frame and french the headlights.

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