Does XBOX combat count?

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No snow but probably the last freeze tonight. Texas is still in a drought and probably will be for several more years. We did get 1.91" of rain 2 weeks ago but unfortunately we lost 440 3-week-old chicks to it. They stayed outside the shelter we set up for them and they drowned. It was horrible. The mild, dry winter means bug problems in the garden and rattlesnakes later on.

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The rest of us America-hatin' normal people would be happy to help them do it. Personally, I'm fond of South Carolina (excellent BBQ, Charleston, SC Public Television, and also the BBQ). So I will revive my proposal to <strike>herd</strike> entice all the Patriots into Texas, build a really big fence around it with armed guards on both sides, and secede their asses.

I'd feel a little bad for Austin, but maybe we could do airlifts, like in Berlin. And everyone in Galveston would have to do a Mariella boatlift, but hey, they all have boats and New Orleans isn't that far away.

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Texas will be purple before most of those backwater states...

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Don't you have to be smart enough to hold two thoughts in your head, before the doublethink can even happen?

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Yup. Todd's what ya call a "philosopher".

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That's like saying it's "unsporting" to shoot clay pigeons. Brain-damaged goobers like Kincannon are just for practice.

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They also seem blissfully unaware that the U.S. military swears allegiance not to redeneck freedumbs, but to the Constitution.

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As is Oily Taintz. And Joe Miller. And Larry Klayman. The list of nutbag lawyers is long and depressing. Someday, someone will make "JAG-off", a TV series based on their lives.

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Wait just a sec while I <a href="http:\/\/www.m5board.com\/vbulletin\/attachments\/off-topic-forum\/21391d1151293500-exhaust-flames-flames-thrower-2.jpg" target="_blank">warm up the car. </a>

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I don't care. Texas executes a prisoner a week. The days when it could produce an Ann Richards, an LBJ, a Barbara Jordan are long gone.

Also, BBQ made with beef is just not acceptable.

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"Elevate" may not be the operative term ... "expose" seems more apt.

Without Twitter, dickheads like Kincannon could go on quietly polluting our politics for decades. With it, the dumb ones, at least, are outing themselves at quite a pace.

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"Conservatism will finally have its day!"

Total waste of a perfectly good day, IMO.

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Too bad I had to stop putting a touch of sulfur in the gas tank. Damned catalytic converters...

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Isn't it snowing in your part of 'Merika?

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