Wait 'til Duh Gov'Nuh hears someone else is claiming to be President of the US of A!

Look out! You betcha!

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Don't play with those, you don't know where those have been, young lady!

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But he was ALONE. So how'd anybody HEAR his last words, huh? HOW?

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I simply don't care to participate in any of Glenn Beck's role-play fantasies, tyvm.

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A 15 minute Beck presidency scares me more than 15 minutes with George Zimmerman in a hoodie store.

Sure, he can declare war on liberals or Iran from his replica of the Oval Office, but without a replica Pentagon, how's he gonna carry it out.

When he says his speeches will be "Reaganesque", I assume he will also be dead.

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Is this when the Repubicans issue a fatwah against Beck for portraying the Prophet Reagan?

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Will the "Secretary of the Treasury" or the "Chairman of the Federal Reserve" come in to be treated to an attack on fiat money and an announcement the country is returning to the gold standard? And will President Beck be selling gold to his ever-gullible audience? Do we get to go to war with anyone?

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