i find it especially annoying whey they follow you AFTER you've just bought something. if i just spent $100 on some crap, i'm probably not interested in hearing from you about buying $100 more crap.

great meeting you too. we should have more meet ups even if we don't have the sublime miss becca...

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too fast and furious

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I'll tell you what about a Benz. if you aren't used to it, you're twenty miles over the speed limit before you know it. Big, fast, heavy, great suspension - the dial creeps up to 80 and you think you're doing' 60 'cause that's what if really feels like.

I young fella with a new one begins to get that really nice buzz rolling along a lonely road and it's easy to not know one's limitations...

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It's the Wasilla colon for me.

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She is the epitome of thing.

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Oh, yeah. Wasn't it called "The Bus That Couldn't Slow Down"?

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Maybe pushed out of the back of a C-130 at 25,000 feet...

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you make me laugh so often.

like now.

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just don't drive a bloody car.

unless you live in LA. then drive a car.

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For you, Em?

Actually, Ima stop this comment right here, before I say something offensive.

(Why, yes, I am running a fever, why do you ask?)

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he's still a self pitying dick who whines about all the libruls calling him an <strike>enema </strike> enemy of the human race

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they're not good at multi tasking

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she probably had an abortion too also

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unsafe at any speed- at least he wasn't driving a Chevrolet Corvair

(yes, Ralph Nader killed Hastings- now there's a conspiracy theory)

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I never remember the names of the girls in porn movies.

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which generally happens shortly after last call on St Patrick's Day

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