If the same room counts, I've had rubber chicken with two present or future presidents, five US senators, and four governors, one of whom was a Republican, not to mention a poopload of other politicians.

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Whiteford was the 'vice chair'? Seems appropriate...

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Give me libertines or give me death. What Patrick Henry really said. I knew we got off on the wrong foot.

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You seem to have a lot of wingnut exes...or maybe they are all the same person.

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Not that there's anything wrong with that.

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In point of fact, the Lansing Mafia, in its current incarnation, does a better job of representing ALEC than the people.

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Oh that hurts. Wolverines are down in Ann Arbor. Lansing is Spartan territory. Try to remember that if you ever get to Lansing.

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I'll send you my ex-wife's phone #.

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Thing is, they don't have an expense account any more. They'd have to do it on their own dimes.

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Coming soon to "Dancing with the Stars"

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The liberal media had a ball with them. It was their own kind that did them because even on the extreme right, there are some limits.

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Really? He's the author of the trashy book at the top of this post. Where does Dok find these things?

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They did it to themselves...

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With the lights on?

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I was at a picnic of 5 people, two of which were Daniel Ellsberg and his wife. I can't remember that I said a damn word the whole time. I was 18 and very shy.

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and I thought it had to do with Josh Duggar some how.

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