But if we pass a law against 'em, they're not law-abiding anymore, are they? Check and mate!

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Here in St Augustine we feed the homeless every night of the year on an out-of-the way but very public street corner. Different groups take a night each month to prepare and serve the food. The police and politicians do not bother us and many are supportive. No tourists are harmed in the feeding of these people (and we have A LOT of tourists). I am proud of my town. It can be done, when people give a fucking shit about their fellow human beings.

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Given that jail will be the only place in town where the homeless can get food, it all works out very nicely.

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One spring without the college kids ought to do the trick ... because a second such spring would leave half the fucking town broke and homeless.

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"It can be done, when people give a fucking shit about their fellow human beings."

If only kicking Republicans out of office were that easy.

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<a href="http:\/\/fuckyeahenlisted.tumblr.com\/post\/79009682629" target="_blank">What are you gonna do?</a>

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<strike>I am shocked at the lack of creativity!! </strike> Edited: Ooops, I didn't go there first, apparently.

(d) Hand them all bus tickets to Miami.

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Well, well, well... I get to kick beach sand in my home state's face. It's not very often that I get to brag about Georgia but even my wealthy suburban enclave doesn't have as many dicks as Ft. Lauderdale.

There is a little known area of woods here with a "tent city" that can only be reached on foot. Our local police officers check on the residents on a regular basis to make sure no one is sick, hungry, cold. Granted the best scenario would be to relocate them to a shelter but beds are short & some are not otherwise accepted for a whole host of reasons.

Eff you Ft. Lauderdale. You should be required to look these people in the eyes & tell them what you are doing and why. Jerks.

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Not my suburb. Our police actually care about our homeless & sometimes buy food for them out of their own pockets.

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I'm pretty sure the new Republican plan for dealing with everyone who isn't them is to starve them all to death. Between cutting food assistance, denying kids free lunches, restricting charitable giving, and everything else I was going to mention, but headdesked so hard I lost my train of thought, they should be able to winnow out the losers who can't afford to feed themselves in time to ensure Republican wins in 2016. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA just kidding, most of those people already vote Republican. Except the ones who don't have teevees.

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Let's bring Anatole France out for a bow: <i>"Ils [les pauvres] y doivent travailler devant la majestueuse égalité des lois, qui interdit au riche comme au pauvre de coucher sous les ponts, de mendier dans les rues et de voler du pain."</i> (They [the poor] must work before the majestic equality of the law, which forbid the rich as well as the poor from sleeping beneath bridges, from begging in the streets, and from stealing bread.)

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Ft. Lauderdale <em>will not</em> let <a href="http:\/\/wonkette.com\/546027\/in-oklahoma-hero-city-official-rescues-property-values-for-himself-lets-homeless-freeze" target="_blank">Shawnee, Oklahoma</a> take the title of "Town That Acts Shittiest to Homeless People" unchallenged.

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