Pickled herring, it’s all the rage.


Thanks to Go Home Foods for the source vid.

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Raw "haring" is a seasonal street-food tradition in Amsterdam in Nov-Dec. An acquired taste, it must be smelled to be believed. https://www.dutchamsterdam.nl/295-amsterdam-delicacy-herring

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I would try it!

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Pickled herring in sour cream was one of my dad's favorite foods. He passed away in 2016.

Watching the video reminded me of him, and brought a smile and tears to my face.

Thank you.

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Oh, now I'm crying a little too.

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I love pickled herring, but fatty fish (herring, mackerel, etc) aggravate my gout, so I have to be careful :(.

Also, I try to pick my (gouty) poisins so alcohhol vs herring, hmmm, alcohol wins.

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Fish with tyramine is also not recommended for people on certain medications either, so it's definitely not for everyone. And yeah, I'd choose the alcohol too.

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Haven't heard of tyramime, I'll have to look into that.

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Welp, it looks like just about every food on the high tyramine list is already part of my diet. I don't take MAOIs, so I think I'm okay.

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I just looked up my meds because I love herring. Anyway, I still feel like crap frequently so it isn’t herring interacting with my meds

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This reminded me of the "field trips" Mr. Rogers used to feature on his show - visits to the crayon factory, or other manufacturing plants. Cool stuff!

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Those were my favorite segments. I still love watching how it's made videos, especially at scale like that.

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I watch this BBC show called Inside the Factory. It is mind blowing what they've done with robots in the last twenty years. Two dozen people can run a factory that employed a thousand just a few years ago.

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FUN FACT: Herring communicate by farting.


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My Spirit Animal!

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“Every little boy’s dream” I’m a 60 yo woman and I’m giggling like a idiot

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It's in your screen name, ma'am. Of course you like toots. :)

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- Zombie Herring

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Kind of rushing the season, aren't we?

"Pickled herring is one of the twelve dishes traditionally served at Christmas Eve in Russia, Poland, Lithuania, and Ukraine. Pickled herring is also eaten at the stroke of midnight on New Year's Eve to symbolize a prosperous New Year in Poland, the Czech Republic, Germany, and parts of Scandinavia."


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Dad liked pickled herring. Mom never served it to us.

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That makes her a doubly good Mom.

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*cries softly* Nobody ever reads my accompanying articles...

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I do!

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That doesn't mean we don't love you! It just means we've all got busy lives and a great deal of non-commenting responsibilities to discharge...

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I do (and did for this one)!

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There, there.

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Their, they're.

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All of the above sound like "thar" where in my neck of the woods.

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I do!

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Thank you dear one!

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nonsense, I read it and it's very interesting.

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Aw, thanks! You are the best! I should stop throwing pity parties for myself. I treasure you all :)

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You have to start preparing it now.

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Fair call.

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It goes through a metal detector? That seems...not promising. But at least it's not canned clams.

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Pretty much every food factory does that. Far cheaper than the repercussions if metal somehow gets through.

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Oh, I'd say that's quite cautious, actually. Just to be sure that nothing came in with the caught fish that wasn't filtered out in processing.

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Its LUTEFISK or go home!

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I’ll have to try

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Pretty fond of fish in general, pickled herring is a delight, I think. Especially partial to the sour cream variety.

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With a little fresh dill.....

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When I'm in the mood for love...


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Here is Peter Cook in the first of seven prank calls as Sven a fish-obsessed Norwegian from Swiss Cottage.

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I don't know why I've never developed a taste for herring. I love sardines and anchovies and various smoked fishes. But herring: no. Which is a shame, because we have local herring. For a short period during the year, there's a charming herring boat fleet that goes out of Sausalito, and all these little boats with their fishing lights on in the crespuscular hours make for one of the most stunningly atmospheric images of San Francisco Bay.

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Sounds magical!

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It is! They're typically only out for a couple of weeks a year as I understand it - usually January if I recall correctly.

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Thank Crom those pickled herring are passed through a metal detector prior to shipping. I don't want one pulling a gun on me.

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They are 𝘴𝘢𝘭𝘵𝘺 bastids when they get going...

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True. They are known for aiding and a-bait-ing fishy criminal activities.

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👉🏼 👉🏼 👉🏼 👉🏼 👉🏼 👉🏼 👉🏼

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Ewan MacColl, The Shoals of Herring. One of the favorite songs of me yute. https://youtu.be/6Ov81aogaxg?si=1KfZe6OUbipN3F1V

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It's green herring that I like.

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"whose 1989 study, ..."

Siiiick burn in that column about David Brooks.

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Damn, your dad was Hollywood handsome. Hubba.

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Another person who say, "Do not fail to appear!"

I didn't pay speeding tickets in upstate NY, which led to some asshole judge swearing out a bench warrant for my arrest. Which I discovered when pulled over in Jackson Hole, WY a couple days before my wedding. My Mom calmed my (now)wife & told her it's a lot easier to yell at me if I was bailed out. So they sprung me. And my mom was able to get the DA (they had worked a case together 20 years prior) to get the judge to fine me the exact amount of my bail as long as I promised to fix everything as soon as I returned from my honeymoon.

And that's how I learned to ALWAYS FUCKING APPEAR!

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Sending love to Trix and family.

I am really sort of jarred by how breezy the writing in that story is. "...said she rents her place from him." It's like the AP just let the story from the local paper run without editing.

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Youre a good daughter and a good sister. And a great fucking writer.

Enjoy your time with your family.

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Sitting in the subway waiting for a train, it's kind of quiet, many are avoiding traveling now. There's a guy playing "Freebird" loudly and it is a whole mood. I really want to yell out FREEBIRD!!

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What the what, how am I JUST NOW finding out that Rebecca's dad was almost murdered by Jethro Bodine?!

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Flash flood alerts on your phone are very jarring, turning the volume down now.

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So Young Dad is Elvis Presley?

I enjoyed meeting Old Dad, hope everything's going well.

Got my eye yeeted out yesterday. The walk-on song for the surgeon was "Hurt". The Johnny Cash cover. I burst out laughing, which made everyone else laugh too. I'm not laughing today. Ow.

RIP DiFi. your obstinance really paid off.

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Hope the hurt doesn't last too long!

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My Very Bad Terrible Horrible Year was 7th grade, when I was 12. Puberty hit the very week of my 12th birthday, only a few weeks before school started. I was so miserable I started having dreams about dying in concentration camps. Suddenly I HATED SCHOOL with a terrible passion! 7th grade meant going to a new school and not seeing any of my elementary school friends because we all had different class schedules, and they had no classes for advanced students so I was BORED BORED BORED! Eighth grade was only marginally better. I thought I was a freak. Nobody recognized that girls might be neuro-divergent back in the 60's, so I got no real help. But I survived. By 10th grade things were better.

And we didn't have the internet or social media. That might actually have helped me, because I might have been able to connect with other girls my age who were also neuro-divergent. I spent a lot of time talking to my 2 Best Friends on the telephone, so much so that one of my friends fathers used to take the receiver away from her while we were talking and hang it up without warning.

I wouldn't be a teenager again for all the tea in China.

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Hell to the yes.

I have some good memories of time spent with friends, but I really have no desire to go back an live through being a teenager again. Now my early 20's.... if I was less oblivious and depressed!

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My early 20's were wonderful. I had a job that paid for my own apartment, all my friends also had jobs and weren't married yet and we all hung out together, went to Discos or movies on Fri and Sat night and sat around in all-night burger joints talking and solving all the world's problems. We didn't have much money, but we had no debt and were free as birds. And then people started getting married and everything changed.

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Say it ain’t so, Jethro!

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An old friend of mine, may she rest in peace, was Miss October 1963, Christine Williams. She had a cameo on the show. She said he was a real asshole. I believe her.

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> I’m off to San Diego to be with my sister who’s been taking care of our dad. With everything that implies.

That implies a lot. (((HUGS)))

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So handsome. So sorry.

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❤️‍🩹 Oh Rebecca, I’m so sorry. Love to you and the family. Hospice is a good thing. It will be year since my dad passed away on 10/8/22.😔

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once upon a time, Amanda Palmer was an employee of mine

I still have a sleeve of her business cards

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