Or San Francisco's Tenderloin. Some of those ladies really are women!

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Is that how the name of the blue pill was derived?

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That saves me some effort. I was trying desperately to find a way of saying "why are you picking on the kid instead of the idiot reporter" without it coming out as earnest bullshit. I can stop now. On the other hand, I have to go work on my reading comprehension.

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Sadly, and as much as I would like to, I am not holding anything against Sofia Vergara either.

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And it was surely stupider than this.

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He's voting with his penis.

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Is this the end of Rico?

We can only hope.

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"“That first latin woman — who’s a girl,” he pointed out."

Is there something those other "Latin women" haven't been telling us?

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People have mistaken The Onion for real news, too. It's funny because it's almost always a conservative.

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Oh but that accent! I chuckle whenever I hear non-native speakers mispronounce things.

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