That patch iz da bomb diggity! May we appropriate it for our own personal use as we see fit or nah?

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Hey now… some of us were here before those assholes showed up on our lawns.

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If that means delivering penalty kicks to Scalia's ass, where do I sign up for the team?

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<a href="https:\/\/squareup.com\/market\/erik-stellmach\/oec-operation-enduring-clusterfuck-patch" target="_blank">Sold out long ago. </a>

But you can check eBay from time to time.

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I understand that aural peenectomy is covered under Obamacare. Plus, you get to understand what they're saying on your Obamaphone again, so there's that.

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Depends. What state you in?

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At least this one is rational, and not imaginary.

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Distraction from Benghazi libel!!!

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I don't see why State ≠ state. I mean, all you need is to capitalize, and the Feds are a goddam State. But then wtf do <i>I</i> know?

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Oh all this whining about sick children is such a diversion. Those impecunious tykes with leukemia can just get it treated at the ER. Same thing with diabetes: when Junior slips into a coma, off to Poors General Hospital with him!

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Even so, he'll be looking over Scalia's shoulder.

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worse yet, they'd have to admit that government is good for something after all

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ultimately it goes to SCOTUS regardless

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Some where in that mountain of fucking papers there has to be a word that makes Obamacare null and void but you have to read it to see whats in it,and between sucking Putin's dick and bitching at little central American kids, aint no one got time for that

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except they have good insurance

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your view changes somewhat when you're face down on the pavement for the crime of being a minority in public

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