It's my understanding that the horde is coming to wage war on Christmas. Or something...

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Can I just note how sweet it is that MS-13 is giving up their lives of crime and getting jobs? What good boys.

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He’s Devin Nunes, ace Trump toady. His re-elections have been almost automatic. He represents a top producing ag district with high unemployment but is still easily re-elected. He’s a piece of work as well as a piece of fecal matter.BTW, the Hispanic population of Tulare county is over 60%. The main ag product is dairy. Not much of a stretch to imagine there are more than a few undocumented workers on dairy farms--and out in the fields-- all over the county and the SJ Valley. Of course, the Trump bootlickers in the valley SAY they are big supporters of "building that wall" as well as the tariffs which will threaten their livelihoods. Obviously, situation normal.

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You can just stay right where you are. We don't need any more child molesting, dingo fucking, creeps from down under.

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She once drove by some brown people without locking the car door. That’s probably the extent of her contact.

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It’s interesting that Devin Nunes’ family moved the dairy farms to Steve King’s district in Iowa. Other dairy farmers in the area (which has 2.0% unemployment) said they would be unable to operate if they looked too closely at employees’ paperwork. In other words, they have to employ illegal immigrants. I believe the story was in Esquire. The Nunes family was secretive and paranoid, refusing to talk to the reporter.

Devin doesn’t seem to mention that he’s no longer a dairy farmer, or that his family left California. I wonder why?

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Scaring the old white folks who have never spoken to a non-white person. It’s a lot easier to fear and hate a group of people when you have no experience with that group.

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Sara Carter better pray Fox keeps her on once she hits the wall, which looks like it will be around next Tuesday, because no legit news organization could want her.

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This Fox News lady is talking about her "firsthand experience" with the caravan the same way Jacob Wohl talks about overhearing people in "hipster coffee shops." So, pardon my skepticism Fox News lady. If you were at all interested in being a real journalist, you'd have DONE A FUCKING INTERVIEW. I mean, why not, you were right there.

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Well, um, can hang out with them?

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'And helped all the nuns get over their sexual anxieties at the same time!'

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I am grateful they cannot also kill me. Come on up, the humidiy’s fine!

We have way more to fear from angry gunslinging Cleti than the insects and wildlife.

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Technically that’s prescription strength - got the tip from a doc! Let me know what you find out Mr. Batman.

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I beat one to death with a shoe once, left it for a while and when I came back, it was GONE. I believe there’s an international cockroach cartel vendetta against me now. Skin is crawling....

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The tea party was never about taxes, it was about The Ethnic African in the WH.

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Soon, computer scientists will construct an artificial intelligence that they will connect to a canned ham in a suit. The result will be largely indistinguishable from Sean Hannity, but smarter.

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