As they make conservatives faint, they should shorten the name to Syncope.

5 "P"scinco p

geddit, geddit?

I'll see myself out.

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I thought Hannity was supposed to be happy with Trump as president. Why is he still pissed?

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Not to mention making Scalia look like old age -- it takes years to pull that one off...

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I am happy to stand corrected.

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Occurs to me that the NAACP and similar groups put a lot of effort into fighting that stock image of blacks as childish, unstable people who lie a lot. A few more Rod Wheelers and that good work could be set back quite a distance.Oh, wait, no it couldn't, not any more. Not with Donald Trump and company going to so much trouble and effort to promote the image, on a huge scale, of whites as childish unstable people who lie a lot. The Rod Wheelers are outclassed.

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It would make me giggle -- uncontrollably -- if it didn't make me sick.

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Podesta kills with risotto. Everyone says his recipe is "to die for."

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They're demanding an apology at this point. http://www.slate.com/blogs/...

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It's good to laugh at life ... as long as the laughter does not become ... uncontrollable.

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is it time for all of us to start writing to the advertisers on Faux Gnus about why they want to support Fake News so desperately?

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I look back on those days of yesterday -- and the stench of troll bullshit still lingers above the battlefield.

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It must have been the same former FBI guy who knows stuff who told me that Sean Hannity fucks sheep.

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Well snarked.

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Faith and begorrah! Guns as green as the shamrocks of old Ireland.

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Would that have been the Vagenda of Manocide I've heard so much about?

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