DiCaprio or Blitzer?

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My ex husband grew up on the East Coast and thought that an Abba Zabba was just gibberish I made up (he never heard the song or tasted the sweeeet taffy with the peanut butter inside...)

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they don't really care about long term health, just until you aren't paying them premium anymore and not asking for reimbursements.

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I'm amazed if your plumbing and balance work that well in the shower.

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Very true. Every group insurance I ever had would not pay for smoking cessation programs, but offered a discount to non-smoking participants. This makes no sense at all. At my last job, the health insurance paid 100% of Viagra prescriptions, but had a copay for oral contraceptive prescriptions. They were self-insured, and all the executives were male, so go figure. Health insurance makes no sense - it is a huge rip-off.

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Well, not any more. But back in the day...

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Growing up in a tiny, shit town, in the blasted hellscape known as the Bible Belt the brown bricky crap was the only game in town. The fact that there was waaaay better stuff to be found out of town was just salt in the wound. Trying to work some miserable job at rock bottom federal minimum wage, while attempting to get a buzz off of something that was more than likely launched over the border in a catapult.

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Not really. It basically means that he and people like him are so stunted or guilt ridden as people that they can't establish any sort of relationship. He did, I suspect, really notice how others had those relationships and his only response was anger. A brothel won't help with people like him.

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Heh. I didn't go to college, & if I had, it would've been a very long time ago.

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Did you walk uphill, both ways, to all those jobs? If not, you had it easy. When I was in my first pot smoking phase, I remember most of it came from Mexico, with the occasional Colombian, or Acapulco Gold. I remember getting pretty high off the stuff, but I lived in a suburb of Chicago, and could go there to get "real" stuff. Today's wonder weed is great....but it's also sextupled in price since then.

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Maybe not a MacLaren, but she could get a really nice used Audi A8. Or the 8 cyl. AMG Mercedes.

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I'm really sick of it, too. It's like millenials think all boomers are rich, live in McMansions, vote Republican and don't give a fuck about anything. I do give a fuck about one thing. The environment. Because when we get done chewing it up, and we will, it won't matter if you're a boomer or a millenial. You'll be scraping and killing for food, just like everybody else.

I'd like to see some research on people who came of age in the VietNam era, because I'd bet you a Hershey bar they're the fucking boomers the OP is talking about. They're mostly conservative and Republican. Or Libertarian, if they smoke pot.

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Unfortunately, because of "No birth control for you skanks" rules, sex can also lead to a babby, which pretty much negates all the positive benefits you listed.

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It was everywhere! And cheap!

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It's not our fault you decided to go to college, and a pretty damn expensive one.

I went to college, too. I think it cost, all told, about 6 grand, in 2007. I got grants and loans, because unlike all the other Boomers that live in your fevered imagination, I'm not rich. Being a boomer must be GRAND, though. They just love listening to your incessant puling about how rough you have it. Sometimes they call over their Butlers and LOL a lot at your misfortunes while they're in their summer homes in the Hamptons.

I didn't support or vote for any variety of shrub or handsome actor, so what the fuck are you on about?

Some of us Boomers haven't had it so fucking easy either, stroke. We've been lower middle class/poor our whole lives, and it isn't going to get any better, ever. I'm just glad I was smart enough not to attend a school that cost six fucking figures to get education from.

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Pot's good business. Always has been, legal or not. Why does Ablow hate free enterprise?

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