He didn't really resign. He retired. He's been acting head of Border Patrol for two months. That's more than thirty years in Trump Time.

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“Trump's emotional support howler monkey,” https://media1.giphy.com/me...

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Just too old; and "not his type" in the appearance way; she is totally his type in the crimey way.

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Keeping mum, as it were.

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Or, Why We Don't Try To Grow Tomatoes Anymore.

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Does that mean he is horrified by what has been reported and resigned in an attempt to salvage some scrap of reputation, or that he is skittering out of the media light like a cockroach now that his malfeasance has been found out?

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Oh, wouldn't you like to see that reinstated? I'd settle for right-wing assholes on MSNBC for Fox to have to provide equal time to Democrats.

There could even be a MAD deal to keep them honest. If Fox agrees not to take recordings of Democrats out of context to make them look bad, MSNBC and CNN won't do recordings of Republicans in context to make them look bad in return.

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If indictments start coming down for this shit, we all know it isn't Donnie who's gonna get 'em. Time to beat the rush and get out of Dodge.

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One theory circulating in Congress is that Trump is using these kids as hostages to get the Democrats to quit fighting him on immigration.

"Give me everything I want, or the kids continue to get it."

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I would hope for no innocent victims.

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"It's just amazing that these news outlets seem to be on the same page of the Democratic talking points."

Unlike Fox and their cult, normal people and legitimate news outlets acknowledge facts and reality.

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Be sure to burp her Tupperware sarcophagus.

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Yeah, look at how they are all over the latest allegations of Trump raping someone....

oh wait....

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It's crazy that this story hasn't gained more attention. I mean I don't like Bill Clinton and he totally shouldn't have used his position of power to have "relations" with Monica Lewinsky, and it's horrible that she basically got vilified for being a young woman and a bit star struck. It was all over the media, that's what most people remember about him. But what happened to E. Jean Carroll sounds unfortunately very believable and it's hardly reported on. I understand why she didn't speak out before, it's really fricking hard - i beat my self up mentally for all the what if I had done this or that differently for years before I even told my mum what had happened to me. This brave lady I salute. We all know how little Trump thinks of women - it's on tape, it's in memoirs, he can't even talk about the daughter he remembers the name of without making it really objectifying. How is this not a massive scandal? I mean also with the kids being detained in horrible conditions, that probably takes away a bit from the attention, but still.. Every time someone defends Trump the rage contributes to climate change.

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I am glad something is circulating in Congress. We are not getting anywhere with whatever thumb-twiddling mumbling and "gee-aw'schucks" foot dragging is going on at the moment.

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I'm guessing neither. He probably coughed in the Oval.

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