Do you mean to tell me fox news accused the republicans of shutting down a Muslin museum I doubt that would ever happen and especially in Mississippi you all need to quit spreading those tall tales.People should have known that story was fake right then and there

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I'm still hoping that Bat Boy makes a run for his district's Senate seat, and that gerrymandering doesn't ruin his very legitimate chances.

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I heard they're gonna have a pig roast and invite the locals over, to improve public relations.

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Poe's Law never strikes the humorist - it's the target that gets skewered. Tina Fey's verbatim recital of Palin's derp salad is the gold standard for that brand of humor.

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The Fucks Gnus base is not inclined to look stuff up . . . at most, they'll hop onto Breitbartsrottingcorpse.com and share the outrage while the butthurt is still fresh.

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What makes you think they regard it as a mistake? The moron base lapped it up, and 24 hours later they can't remember what was said -- but they're still feeling outraged about whatever the fuck it was. Mission accomplished.

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I always figured them for LIbertarians. So yeah, GOPpers all the way.

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shutting down the entire government was only supposed to affect things <strike>nobody</strike> <u>Democrats</u> cared about!


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I didn't even have to say that to myself. Blonde newsbabes on Faux are almost axiomatic.

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And the German Shepherd's Pie. With collieflower.

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Taking notes and googling madly... serving 12 for Canuck Thanksgiving dinner next Sunday...

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Are you grass fed? Asking for a friend.

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Can you imagine a world without authoritarians? <a href="http://img401.imageshack.us..." target="_blank">" rel="nofollow noopener" title="http://img401.imageshack.us/img401/6195/61772292q...">http://img401.imageshack.us...

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Wait, I got this...

*drum fill*

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I would volunteer for one if it meant I didnt have to listen to the other.

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