I still can’t believe people actually watch this shit.

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Praise Lard Jesus! PRAISE HEEEEMM!

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I’m not religious. Yet, somehow, I’m a decent human being.

My favorite thing is when religious people tell other people how to religion. Frankly, the world hasn’t seen enough of THAT.

I could truly care less if Romney’s “faith” is sincere, or if it was at all involved in his decision in the impeachment. My thinking is that he’s just another transactional Republican. I do, however, care very much when I see a bunch of cult sycophants standing around the Oval Office and doing the “laying on of hands” routine to Trump, as though he’s a god. The separation of church and state continues to blur. It’s dangerous. It’s what we ran from when creating our country. People are free to their choice of god, or whatever, but I always find it alarming when a legislator invokes their “faith” during legislative events. I also don’t agree with the praying at the start of legislative activities. Worship, by all means, but not on the job please. Take that back to your office on break. Keep your god out of my government, my education, and off my currency.

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If this situation wasn’t so fucking serious this debate on faith just makes me laugh. The GOPers have put their faith in a man who has none and would burn down everyone of his supporters to save his flabby ass.

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Sniff, sniff, motherfucker.


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To call these people stupid hypocrites is an insult to actual stupid hypocrites. Better to call them amoral pigs who will do and say anything for money.

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Abd BTW Romney's evocation of his faith and oath in arriving at his decision was the most sincere statement that I have ever heard from a Republican politician or other so-called Christian.

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“A tale, told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.” Trump.

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Mitt Romney has sinned against Supply-Side Jesus, the true and only savior of the GOP.

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Of all the unfair things, the unfairest of all is that this shit is *still* not over. Cause while this shit is hi-fucking-larious, I can't really enjoy it, until the country is no longer in the balance.


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You just *think* you are decent. If you haven't accepted Jesus 2.0 as your ... Oh fuck it. Too much snark. So ... https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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Nope. I’m fairly confident that my believing differently isn’t the problem. It’s actually my disbelief. I’m a non-believer, which means I’m the enemy. Also, elephants should be worshipped, but with flower petal baths and playtime.

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It's all part of the con, kids. Obviously Romney is an apostate now, he isn't a two faced no account punk like the rest of them. Suddenly.

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In Trump World, I (another "non-believer") must conclude that I believe in *some* substantial thing. Because it's taking a strong will to continue in the face of whatever this is. But not all 'things' are gods, now are they.

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I think you are referring to “survival instinct”. Lol! Certainly, not all of us will chew off our own limb if caught in a bear trap. Frustration, outrage, and complacency are their own forms of adaptation.

I believe the universe is vast and the known science only understands so much. I believe scientific theory is the best approach for regimenting knowledge. Everything else is subjective, and personal. Imagination is a tool. But flawed conclusions are flawed. God theory needs better testing.

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There is no such thing as the supernatural but there's plenty of physics we are utterly ignorant about.

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