I'd guess he was never offered a plea deal so it made no sense not to fight it. I'd be very surprised if the prosecutors were willing to make any deal, even one as small as taking the death penalty off the table.

It was an easy win for them, and politically untenable to offer any deal at all.

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This kid wore a hoodie and everything! What's the hold-up here?!

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Except John Galt might be an atheist.

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All tat needs to be said about death penaly proponents summed up nicely by the FOX dunderheads: "We're not going to get to kill this guy, are we?" Bloodthirsty vengeance, not justice.

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So, Tsarnaev's mistake was in not being a millionaire rancher who doesn't want to pay his bills.

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There's actually bigger impediment to killing Tsarnaev besides his appeals. As Rachel Maddow has noted, the federal government doesn't have a stockpile of the cocktail used in lethal injection and none of the drug companies will sell it for executions any more.

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Is there a Wonkette out there with the skill to take an hour and a half worth of the stupidest Fox commentary and create a movie, along the lines of Idiocracy? I'd buy that for a dollar!!

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Tsarnaev doesn't need appeals that stretch on for decades and delays the justice he deserves. I mean, he's not white. The justice system he's taking advantage of wasn't meant for the likes of him.

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Perhaps we could have him chased off a cliff by a bevy of nude females.

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They couldn't find him actually in possession of a sidewalk, so that changes everything.

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The Chinese have it right. Guilty verdict, out back, bullet in the head. The Germans can't touch them when it comes to efficiency.

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Are we talking about a world leader who might have made use of the "W" key on his keyboard?

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One of us is a bit off on the use of irony.

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They were counting on it to shore up their rapidly-declining viewership numbers caused by their age-related rapidly-declining viewership.

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“But now we hear about this appeals process, and we’re wondering, where’s the justice in that?”

Yes, the fact that we have an appeals process in this country was news to Hasselbeck. You know, I don't expect much from a host of a morning gab show and I expect even less from one member of the Trifecta of Idiocy that hosts Fox and Friends, but is it too much to expect that they be able to pass an eighth grade civics test?

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As if Faux News knew anything about the law or justice or well...anything at all

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