I'm going to say this again, redundantly, also, too.

The problem here (which is a small one) is <i>not</i> that Kamala Harris is likely to take offense at being called attractive by the POTUS, or that any of the other state AGs (some of whom are pretty attractive) are going to take offense at the comparison.

The problem is that physical attractiveness is not an appropriate measure for comparing Attorneys General, and referring to it cheapens the intended compliment.

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I think it's part of a master plan to take back the House in 2014. I think he can pin the need to even consider resorting to such a move on Republican intransigence. He's just toying with them, waiting for them to rise to the bait. Then, Whack a Mole!! (With votes!)

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While I believe all of your characterizations are correct, I am really delighted by the fact that the only concise way to describe Kamala Harris is that she is a US citizen. This strokes my optimism.

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I'm thinking that by the time you got to the #10 hottest AG, oh , yuch.

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In this case, the bar might be slightly higher.

(I know you can do google image just as fast as I can).

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Nevada has term limits for <i>AG</i>?

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I'm strogan♫

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There is a serious nerd deficiency with no reference to anti-gravity.

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Oh, for shit's sake.

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Assumes facts not in evidence.

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For some reason, your comment crystallized my thinking on this matter, irrespective of Editrix's comment on this thread.

I had been thinking Bamz's remark was a humorous gloss on a compliment to Harris's legal and professional brilliance. I could see myself saying the same thing, intending nothing more than a bit of light humor.

But, in fact, physical attractiveness should have nothing to do with relative merit in public office, and is therefore not appropriate for comment. Visualize a swimsuit competition of the fifty state Attorneys General. Now visualize how stupid that would be.

I don't particularly care if the Prez expresses appreciation for the good looks of male civil servants. Equally irrelevant.

Now, I also don't think this is the moral equivalent of thermonuclear war. It's just a little impoliteness. But it should be corrected.

And I don't care if this makes me a fat old white male humorless feminist.

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Actually, "by far the fattest Attorney General" might simply be factual/

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<i>I don't fucking care if this makes me a humorless feminist.</i>

No way, it makes you totally hot!!


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When he said "her milkshake brings all the judges to the yard," I kind of wavered. When he added that <a href="http:\/\/wonkette.com\/510193\/spanking-lovers-sean-hannity-and-michelle-malkin-worry-that-sportsball-players-are-getting-too-wussy" target="_blank">Michele Malkin spanking motion,</a> I decided it was <i>very bad indeed.</i>

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