Guns everywhere? So 'eat the rich' is still on the table?

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AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAiiiiiiiiiiiIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Is what my inner monologue usually sounds like, except that irl it doesn't ever end.

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Okay. If I had a little bit more energy I would be outraged by the comments, ideologies, of the Fox people. I am in my fifties and I will never be able to retire and I make less than twenty thousand a year and I live in a disgusting trailer infested with black mold and I’m ill all the time and I tried again (!!!) yesterday to get a replacement trailer, or move from this trailer in Small Town Texas to a less moldy trailer in Small Town Oklahoma, and I leaned (again) that I will never ever ever qualify for any kind of loan because of my student loan debt. And I am bitter and sad and despairy. That’s it. That’s all. I’m just venting. And loathing Fox News people.

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Chiggers? Ticks?

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You can set up a payment plan online or call them. Do not be afraid of the IRS. I worked for them in the 1980s. They will work with you to pay your bill. Hopefully, if we can take the Senate and the White House next year, they can undo that tax scam bill.

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I’ve perused a lot of the non-comments, and I believe I have identified a slight oversight when options are considered.

All you have to do is find and marry someone with lots of money, and you won’t have all these working multiple jobs problems.

You’re welcome 😉!

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I'm not in Mass. Here in TX, if you've got both Medicare and Medicaid you can get a DSNP, that will pay for all of your medical bills. And the Medicaid takes care of Part B premiums. LIS is Low Income Subsidy, a federal program which helps pay for drugs and other medical costs.

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THIS RIGHT FUCKING HERE. The body only has so many hours of hard labor in it. People who lift and carry and clean, mow and shovel and build and assemble, walk and stand all day, can't keep going into their 60's in many cases. Bones and cartilage wear out. Mr CEO laughs and says I like my job!! Well so did I until my ankles and knees went south, fucker.

These a-holes laugh at the hard working people that make their life possible. What respect does Trump or his ilk give to laborers? They cheat them out of they pay they earn. And call it smart business.


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Been busting my hump for 40 years now. What do I have to show for it? A busted hump.

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I am in no way criticizing the woman bringing the case. What she endured was horrific. I AM criticizing cops/DA for not hauling Trump in by his ears along with Epstien.

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Of course. That guy has been getting away with it all his life.

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I'll have to ask the woman who's been helping me get this straightened out about those. Thanks! :)

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Thanks :). I just wish I'd known to tell the connector-care people to count my 2017 disability money in my 2018 income, so I didn't get hit with this... "well at least my taxes should be simple this year.... WTAF?"

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Ah, thanks! I'll look into this.

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Donald Luskin...name to knit for remembrance later... https://uploads.disquscdn.c...

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May these people never know rest. May they be shamed in the streets and cut off from kind society. May their mothers disown them and their neighbors turn their backs when they pass. Shame on them.

This is the same kind of bullshit that calls the opportunity to not have health insurance liberty and universal healthcare a socialist nightmare (weep, Baby Jesus, weep for those poor enslaved souls who know they can visit a doctor at will).

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