I was trying to be mean. But I can't.

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Oh. I though you were trying to be crass. You weren't doing THAT very well, either.

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there are usually deadlines for DVRs (or whatever people who register voters in your state are called...often the League of Women Voters), but they are not normally the next day. they're like 7-10 days from the time the voter fills out the form and you show them that you are sealing it with a sticker or tape or whatever because you will not be doing secret Wells Fargo things with their card and you gave them a little tear off to make sure they knew there was no funny shit going on.

ANYWAY while we have a bunch of people concentrated in shelters, it may be in our best interest to send them taco trucks with DVRs on board once the storm passes. that way they can get a delicious meal and update their voter reg while they are waiting to be able to get into their homes to assess damage.

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"Defibrillators and Medicaid saved this deplorable's life." FIFY

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If he loses, it's because Trump's Poll Avengers ("Watchers," whatever) will have failed to intimidate ("challenge," whatever) the registered Democrats ("n-words," whatever) who actually show up to vote.

Obviously you'd think that kind of intimidation stuff might sounds like "rigging" at first, but it isn't. Unless he loses. Which proves it was rigged, because his not-rigging was out-rigged by all the "Riggers."

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It's so crazy it just might work.

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I mentioned it once, but I think I got away with it.

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... and that Republican....

... was Abraham Lincoln.

I'm Paul Harvey.

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It favors people whose mommies own Birds Eye and Swanson and the only media organization willing to hire Tucker Carlson.

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I don't do either well.

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And, as we know, God runs everything .... and if he ran a hurricane through a particularly pro-Trump part of the state, it must be because ... GOD WANTS HILLARY TO TAKE FLORIDA.

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So when can we politicize storms? Cause it seems the right gets to do it as it is happening.Next Tornado- Chuthl's wrath of the bible belt and or retribution for stetsons?

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HOW long have you been Wonking..?

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The elder gods are really annoyed by stetsons

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It's shaping up to be an historic landslide of truly EPIC proportions, folks. And every single one of these moronic asshats is going to be forced to eat their words as Trump is tied around their necks like a millstone. Never again can the Republican Party or the Right Wing ever claim moral authority. Now they are the Party of Sexual Harassment, Racism, Xenophobia, and they have truly debased themselves by supporting a disgusting sexual predator like Trump.

Memo to Republicans: Time to clean up your act. You MIGHT come out of this with your soul intact if you repudiate Trump and everything he stands for right this minute. Because if you don't, he's all yours. Lock, stock and two smoking pussies.

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Does Tucker Carlson's job ever require him to, I dunno, stand up? Just asking.

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