Fox quotes The New York Times. Wake up right wing nutjob sheeple!

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Accuracy is a no-go zone on Fox.

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Maybe Eric Holder borrowed Obama's time machine?

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Given how she dresses him off the field, I suspect Gisele Bundschen.

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CBS News was not exactly accurate last night, Claiming that Wilson <i>had been acquitted by</i> a Missouri Grand Jury.

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Slander lawsuits could become the new model for making the children behave over at Fox.

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And ghey marriage.

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What made my own blood pressure spike a tiny bit (other than the cholesterol I ate for breakfast) was some talking bobblehead got on the screen this morning and said "Yep! This is an exoneration for Wilson!"

Not even close, dumbass. Especially since the grand jury was deliberately tanked to begin with.

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