I can't believe this lame ass story buried the "Great Biden Peloton Stationary Bicycle of Faux Blue-Collar Scranton Hypocrisy." Also the "Horrible Biden Peloton Security Risk Greatest Exposure of Government Secrets since the Rosenbergs." Clap harder, Fox!

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"One of the new things about this administration is that if you don't know the answer, don't guess. Just say you don't know the answer," Fauci said.

"Guessing" is a very generous way to describe what the previous administration did.

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This is yet another reason I read Wonkette. Thank you.

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A solid milk-shaped object. At room temperature.

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That metaphor rings too true.

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Unless you are an earthworm, in which case it is a delicious feast.

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Shiitake mushrooms also give your pee an interesting smell, so it's win-win.

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I'd have thunk if they were "guessing" they'd have accidently hit on some accuracies more often.

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Oh look, another reason to cancel my WaPo subscription, right after I download all the recipes I can.

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Fauci definitely has that air of "I can't stop smiling! I know I should--we're talking about very serious stuff that is bad and killing people. But *giggle* I can actually do something to stop that now! OMG you guys it's awesome!"

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It all failed because of semantics? FUCK YOU. 500,000 dead, and worried about FUCKING SEMANTICS?

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I loathe the NYT shitshow, but damned if their Cooking app isn't fabulous.

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Go to the driving range and smash a bucket of golf balls as hard as you can. Swinging as hard as you can is really bad if you want to play good golf, but really good for releasing aggression.

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I somehow feel like this could be an allegory about the Tp administration and the mess left for Biden to clean up.

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I can sympathize with Fox News. Just the other day I told my financial advisor: "I do too have a plan for retirement! Why do you think I keep buying all those lottery tickets?"

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