Eighty hours a week of golf, making a few phone calls to your pet news reporters so they'll run another "science is bogus" story, and laughing at the chuckleheads who think you're doing it all for them is a pretty tough gig.

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Just at quick glance, the photo in the link may well be of a B-52.

So the Sunday Sport is pro-recycling?

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Like, say, "Saturday Night Special"?

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ONE degree of Benghazi.

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♪♫Jeremiad was a bullfrog Was a good friend of mine Never understood a single word he said But he helped me figure out how to buy lobster with my Food Stamps.♪♫

Brilliant, Jeremiad, brilliant.

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I've heard that her eyes are up there, but I've never bothered to look.

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The McDonald's down the street from my office has it on. You know, get your daily dose of bile along with your Egg McMuffin.

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Holy shit. Highjacked by Batboy.

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He's a floorwax, he's a dessert topping!

Stay with Charlie Babbitt, go back to Wallbrook!

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I'm waiting for them to come up with the theory that the plane was really full of people who thought they were going to testify about Benghazi, the IRS scandal, and the birf certificate, and that the plane hasn't been found because Obama doesn't want it found.

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Periodically if you cut away to an "alternate viewpoint," which is just some Koch Bros products, or a guy who says nothing but "TAX CUTS" over and over, you're going to be set for life.

"Now we're going to open up our discussion to some experts on Benghazi. What do you think about this new development, absorbent and sturdy Brawny Paper Towels that are fantastic around the home?"


"Well, convenient and inexpensive wonderful product Brawny Paper Towels, I have to disagree. You see, TAX CUTS TAX CUTS! T-A-X CUTS! TAXCUTS TAXCUTS TAXCUTS!! "

"Well, we're going to have to leave it there. Up next, could your children's safety be threatened by Benghazi? The answers could surprise you!"

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You must have an early draft of Roger Ailes memo for next week.

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Is it just me, or is <em>The Walking Dead</em> an apt moniker for the Benghazi and IRS stories?

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There's no comparison; the war in Iraq was <a href="https:\/\/twitter.com\/bleeker185\/status\/447057681065713664" target="_blank">one of the greatest foreign policy accomplishments of the last century.</a>

hashtag wish either of us were joking.

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Especially on the modest likelihood that they get a few more dipshits in the upper house and don't have Harry Reid to kick around anymore.

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Half of the fucking time Fox Nation has this <b>You Decide: Question of the Day Q: Has Hillary Clinton's handling of the Benghazi disaster ruined her chances for 2016? </b>

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