Matthew Sheppard, Dr. George Tiller, Dr. David Gunn, Dr. John Britton, on and on
and let's not mention 900+ Jim Jones followers and the 80 that burned at Waco thanks to David Koresh, the child rapist cause Christian fundamentalists don't ever mislead their followers and get them to do horrible things in the name of Christ.
Kilmeade may not like going back to 1095 but he should know the people in the Middle East are still pissed about the Crusades. Probably because those Christians killed with kindness. Also with beheading.
Maybe this means we shouldn't have a National Prayer Breakfast, among various other religious things in government that should go away right now, please.
Haha, where's the profit in THAT?
Christians have never burned anyone alive on American soil, either, because Salem Witch Trials happened before 1776.
Yeah, but those weren't REAL Xtians.
I'll take Historical Revisionism for $400, Alex.
The Klan fancied itself a Christian posse in fact.
No, they illuminate them with LED bulbs now. They're sensitive to ecological issues now, you know.
And the black Americans burned to death in lynchings were not fully real people, so they don't count either.
You know, Obummer starting to say shit as bad as that new Pope dude. OUTRAGEOUS!
Just once, can they respond to the President Obama that actually exists instead of the one in their fevered imaginations?
Yeah, maybe, but when the Xtians did all that stuff it was for the RIGHT god. You know, the all-lovin' one.
Matthew Sheppard, Dr. George Tiller, Dr. David Gunn, Dr. John Britton, on and on
and let's not mention 900+ Jim Jones followers and the 80 that burned at Waco thanks to David Koresh, the child rapist cause Christian fundamentalists don't ever mislead their followers and get them to do horrible things in the name of Christ.
Burning at the stake is totally different to burning in a cage.
Kilmeade may not like going back to 1095 but he should know the people in the Middle East are still pissed about the Crusades. Probably because those Christians killed with kindness. Also with beheading.
Maybe this means we shouldn't have a National Prayer Breakfast, among various other religious things in government that should go away right now, please.
That's why Pat Buchanan always used a karate chop gesture to make accusations.
Be careful what you hear. I don&#039;t think there&#039;s <i>any</i> video evidence from the Crusades.