One's a comedian, the other is a clown?

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The distinguishing attribute is the cantaloupe calves.

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I remember when I used to respect Juan Williams.

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Why didn't the right wingers get upset when DHS produced a report exploring the threat of left wing domestic terrorism?


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+1 for use of the word "ululating".

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Since when are Islamic fundamentalists not rightwing fanatics? You don't get more God-and-country than declaring a fucking caliphate. It's hard to get more conservative than aiming for the social values of the 7th century. What do they want, the Flintstones?

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Man, when I saw "Brady ranch standoff", I read that as Brady Bunch standoff. Marcia, Marcia, Marcia!

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Wait. one of them is actually trying to be funny? Is he just bad at it?

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In case FOX News needs anymore right wing terrorism in the US, I have one:

It's called "FOX News".

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I wouldn't mind Wilma for a few hours, myself.

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Rob Gronkowski is just a lone tight end and shouldn't be seen as a reflection of tight ends a group.

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Another: the 88 year old white supremacist who attacked the Holocaust Museum in D.C. a few years ago and killed the security guard.

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True dat. And not just Tokyo.

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My daughter and I spotted a truck fitted for that. My severely asthmatic daughter. She's nine, and trust me, I can't type the things she had to say when I explained exactly what the smoke stacks were for ... Dude was lucky that he wasn't actually blowing it when we saw him: first, our city is fairly liberal, and second ... she's far too well-behaved to do it, but my little girl wanted nothing more than to put a rock through that a$$'s rear windshield for that, considering how much she has to do to make sure she stays out of the hospital for her lungs (she's been hospitalized twice, had pneumonia multiple times, and has been on corticosteroids more than I can count. She has to take a pill every single night to just maintain, and has been on up to five different meds at once to treat a flare-up. We won't even go into how much school she's missed from it).

I can't stand a$$hole conservitards who care only about themselves, with their "I got mine, you get screwed" mentality. My kid shouldn't have to feel like that, because those trucks, whether they realize it or not, really are out to get her, and everyone else while they're at it.

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Conservatives are often telling all Muslims that they each have to apologize for everything that any Muslim does, even when THEIR friends the Saudis paid for it. So hey Conservatives, you aren't even remorseful, you're just denying that your kind does anything wrong. Maybe the reason you bad people, you conservatives, you anti-American folks, you evil people, maybe the reason you are talking so much sedition and sabotage is because you realize that according to your own rules, when someone else such as a Muslim won't be remorseful for the actions of others in their group, it's "bomb them all" coming out of your mouths.

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