... there's a test?! Uh oh...

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... aren't they always?

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... after a brief period of being on top, yes.

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... I never metaphor I didn't like. Until I read the Buybull.

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In a staggering majority conservative nation like America, I highly doubt the majority see this as an attack on Christians. Seems like this is more of a case where these talking heads on TV feel the need to sit there on live TV before anything is known about the situation andnon stop speculate.. Out loud. Foolish for sure. Everyone remembers the "rracist cop shoots unarmed black child execution style in the middle of the street" meme at the onset of the Michael brown case. Reality turned out to be the exact opposite of the theme. Why do they do this? Seems like to hear themselves talk. I see this for what it is, what most people hopefully do, a mentally ill young man went into a church and killed people because of the color of their skin. Nothing more. Simple as that. I think the most shocking aspect to most is that facts and statistics, unfortunately, plainly PLAINLY show its overwhelmingly blacks perpetrating crimes and murdering white victims. This is not meant to be rude or start a fight. Facts are facts. Stats are stats. We can't wish them away because they aren't "pc" This rare case of white on black racism and violence is shocking in its extreme rarity. That's why it's the top story in the news right now. That being said, it's time to move on from the why and deal with the how. How to make sure that all Americans of all colors and religions are equipped and able to personally defend ourselves in the future. There will never be a shortage of crazy people and they will always be able to access weapons of any kind and harm others. We can only be ready to defend ourselves...or be the next victim. My prayers go out to the families of these good Christians.

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My bad. I blame it on the beer. What was the frequency?

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PRETTY sure that's a metaphor...

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Oh, for the love of a comma. You're sorry you are not illiterate? Nice try. Maybe your mom will let you move out of the basement when you turn 18.

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'I have to do it. You rape our women and you’re taking over our country. And you have to go.'

The sick thing is, you could actually see that as being about a certain KIND of self-styled 'Christian' - the Duggar-supporting, dominionist, YEC teavangelical wastes of oxygen who treat women as property and want to force their twisted beliefs down everyone's throat. In other words, almost certainly NOT the kind of people at the prayer meeting.I need another drink.

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Please take your comments over to Stormfront. You'll find the like-minded friends there you so desperately crave.

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Tasteful handle, troll.

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You're projecting, "Eric".

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And Shy didn't even say "hold my beer!"

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Your ignorance and stupidity are understandable.

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You first.

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Your homeschooling is showing.

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