Ni*** stole my bike!

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I'd twist his "evaluation knob" right off. WITH SEVERAL VOTES RIGHT TO THE BALLS.

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Well, hello David Brooks!

Say, what kind of salve did you use to treat your butthurt? Is it something off store shelves, a prescription, or something Mommy Brooks used to rub onto your tender tuchus?

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Who Let The Bamz Out?

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Crap, I've never pictured the undead hordes clutching voter registration cards!


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You give us hope for the future.

For reals, I give cars with Romney bumper stickers a wide berth. The probability seems high that they're either stupid or racist, and it bothers me to be that dismissive of total strangers - but at this point...

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...who was going to be waterboarded for charity, quite a while back.

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Luntz did a really nice job on the McCain campaign.

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This is very infomercial-esque.

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