"Thoughts and prayers to the "news" side of Fox News. Those with integrity probably ought to start looking for new jobs."

Those with integrity never considered working for Fox in the first place. The Murdoch Stench is becoming as bad, and hopefully as permanent, as the Trump Stank.

And I have no sympathy. Lie down with fascist, lying dogs; get up with zero credibility, unemployment fleas.

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They've lost hope that those responsible will suffer any repercussions.

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I wouldn't have guessed that Faux Noise even HAS a news side.

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And so even if you have good reporters who are trying to report the news, it’s just not what Fox as an entity sees its value as, so that sucks.

Fox News succinctly put.

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Why do I not feel bad for employees of FuxNoise? Are they worried about getting jobs when the Fazux machine crumbles? They have been dealing with shit for years. They should be quite adept at cleaning septic tanks.

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They gave a multiple choice test of objective, factual items to several groups:People who watched mainstream news dailyPeople who watched Fox News only dailyPeople who didn't watch any daily newscasts

The people who only watch Fox daily scored lower than the people who didn't watch any news.

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Stop the presses!

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It's not for them, it's for us. It's a big FU from the real world that we will see on every Fox News screen shot that graces these pages.

We'll get so many "Well, that's just your opinion, man" non-comments that you'll get sick of "Well, that's just your opinion, man," non-comments.

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Fox News validates them. This is all about feelings and nothing about facts.

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Cornered, dying animals are the most dangerous.

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It's all about feelings. You want to move Fox viewers away from Fox, you can't do it with facts and objective reality. You've got to make them feel validated with something that gives them a greater emotional jolt than what they get from Fox.

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I saw this bullshit reply from her that this meant nothing and that she was advised by her lawyer to simply accept the censure to make everything go away. She, of course, did nothing wrong.

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Robot Chicken had a continuing series of sketches about Gary the Stormtrooper who was just a regular guy working on the Death Star.

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Ted Knight is a joke; Tucker Carlson is a clear and present danger.

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To me it is VERY saddening and maddening that I have to explain this to people so much, so thank you for helping to carry the ball.

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