Why is it always about Dunning-Kruger or projection with Fox?

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Calling the P-E-N-I-S goes into the anus lady.

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Yeah, that thure fancee book lernin is for pinkos and gays.

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Throw a stone into a pack of dogs, the one that yelps is the one that got hit. Obama made no mention of any particular news institution, yet these people are acting like he gave out their name and phone numbers. Interesting.

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It's all about the dismount

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"these fools’ colleagues on Fox’s “The Five” were fingerbanging their asses with lube made from their own tear"

After church I sure needed that cleansing.....hehe.

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Obama has been subtlety calling FuxSnooz stupid for over seven years, NOW they notice?That's some mighty fine reporting there, Brian.Here, have another Xanax.

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But...but...we don't have time to dig deeper. It's hard enough to write as fast as they talk when my tape recorder batteries run out. You ever tried that, Mr. "I know how to do other people's jobs better than they do" President? Sheesh!Now, what did you say, again? Please talk into the microphone if you can so I can transcribe your rantings. Nothing worse than static, you know?

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Instead of "presenter " you mean "transcriber." TIFIFY.

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"fingerbanging their own asses with lube made from their own tears" If that does not perfectly describe Regressives, nothing does!

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I <3 obama.

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As my late granddad used to say, when birds are sitting on a fence, the one that flutters is the one that's hit. The others fly off. Tosca, you absolutely nailed the dogs and birds at F&F. As another commenter said, POTUS has been calling them stupid for the better part of seven years, and they just noticed. How stupid is that?

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Good one, Yay. I sometimes watch them saying idiotic things, but have to hit the remote button after a few minutes. Then I feel like I need a brain shower.

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Same here. I have to speed read the articles, so I can get to the comments section. You guys are seriously hilarious. Thing is, the comments are true. Lol.

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I was about to ask who Tantaros was, but seems she's the dark haired one who always sits on the end of the hate Obama table, swinging her legs, so the slobbering old men can see her uh... shoes.

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