And bad deeds are only bad if you talk about them. If you keep your mouth shut they disappear and never become a problem. Thus the only villain is the person who subsequently brings up any mention of them.

I swear, McFarland and her ilk at Fox must have all grown up in severely dysfunctional homes.

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Given that the report contains actual facts, Republiclown opposition is a given.

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Hardly surprising, given that they use <a href="http:\/\/www.americanscientist.org\/bookshelf\/pub\/manufactured-ignorance" target="_blank"> the very same people</a> to generate their bullshit.

Lying for dollars is big business in the conservatardosphere.

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"Fox News Analyst" is a phrase meaning "has had GOP talking points shoved so far up their rectum that they come out of their mouth."

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The Nazis did not like religion of any kind. I guess that makes us <i>worse</i> than Hitler.

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I think the K. T. in K.T. McFarland stands for Keep Talking. What an obnoxious ass.

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Bingo - we have <em>executed</em> people who did this sort of thing for war crimes. We contstantly harp on nations like China for their atrocious record of torturing and killing dissidents, and when despots anywhere in the world use these tactics they are considered the worst form of evil imaginable. Selective morality is myopic at best.

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GROSS! I guess I didn't read the Mackris complaint that closely; I didn't know he wanted to puree the falafel first.

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Never talk about one subject when there is another, more-really-mattering one! DUH

Actually, in thinking about it, they <i>own</i> their atrocities, over there. When you could learn a thing or two about integrity -- from fucking ISIS -- you've got some serious moral compass problems.

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Let's try this little exercise with Andrea Tantaros Super-Patriot™ brand "Logic:"

The United States of America is awesome, we are awesome. But we’ve had this discussion. We’ve closed the book on Benghazi, and we’ve stopped investigating it.* And the reason they want to have this discussion is not to show how awesome we are. These FOX Pundits wants to have this discussion to show us how Obama or Clinton is not awesome.

*Not intended to be a wingnut-factual statement. They'll never stop.

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America is Awesome. It'd be even awesomer if we didn't shove food up prisoners' rectums, or freeze them to death, or have John Yoo determine that the legal line you couldn't cross was "organ failure" but "child's testicles crushed" was maybe a gray area.

Also, no disgusting hyper-nationalistic rabies-faced Tantaroses calling for systemic cover-ups would probably make it better too.

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That Benghazi, that was a BAD coverup that we need to get to the bottom of. This so-called "torture" pff whatever one, it's a GOOD coverup, nothing to see here!

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<i>These terror tactics have been stopped, because as a country we decided we are better than this, so we stopped them.</i>

Who's this <i>WE,</i> Andrea??

I wonder if Andrea Tantaros' head would explode if she was informed that almost literally the first act done by President Obama, signed on January 22, 2009 (two days in The Big Seat) was Executive Order 13491, which effectively stopped those "terror" tactics, which were signed into existence by Executive Order 13440 by FOX superhero George W Bush?

LOL, "<i>WE</i> decided we are better than that," Andrea. Riiiiiight. Check your FOX channel's archives for what you folks were saying about Obama's order back then.

Or, at the end of <a href="http:\/\/www.newshounds.us\/2009\/01\/31\/newt_gingrich_attacks_obama_for_caring_too_much_about_civil_liberties.php" target="_blank"> this article,</a> see what Hannity and Gingrich have to discuss.

The hypocrisy looks good on YOU though!

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"Fox News Analyst" is a phrase meaning "has never had an original, much less rational, thought, ever."

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Or is incapable of running anything more complex than a lemonade stand.

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I know, right? Even Jack Bauer is off the air now!

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