RS comments are not troll-free, especially Trayvon/SYG stories and anything written by Amanda Marcotte, but yeah taken as a whole they don't make you want to end it all by shoving a couple of pencils up your nostrils and slamming your head on the desk the way Yahoo comments do.

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wow. that is just gross.

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You actually expect me to click through to learn more? Reading right wing bullshit is <em>your</em> job, Snipy, not mine.

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For the record...

<em>i</em> tags are deprecated. You should be using <em>em</em> instead...

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If there is any reason that Carlos Spicy Wiener doesn't wan't to have sex with Huma, which I doubt very much, it has to be that he is tired of getting poked by all her bones. Because of how she is too skinny.

Somebody buy that girl a cheeseburger.

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