"If the president did have an objective on his trip to Europe — a premise that, it goes without saying, cannot be assumed"

I like them.

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This is Cambridge Analytica at work. Remember the data scientist guy from House of Cards? That's them.

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Does it involve Michael Palin competing in the 50-mile hop?

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Jesus, the silly thing reads like a note to Jared's teacher, "signed : My Mom"...

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Striped polo shirts and Dockers.

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I actually, seriously have been coming to think that the thing they were really outraged about is that she was successfully protecting top-secret information, and herself--from THEM.

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I find it odd that Ana Navarro hates Trump so much, his agenda is no different than low energy Jeb's would have been, or little Marco's would have been, or any of the other clowns.

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This is espionage based in the Oval Office. Incredible.

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Espionage can be very profitable. When Butch Cassidy robbed that train he said, "well, just so we come out ahead, that's the main thing." Jared longs for the wild west.

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At the press conference today, Spicer refused to answer questions about Jared and the Russians since the question was based on innuendo and rumors and whatnot. Rather than clarify anything with an answer, he just straight up refused with the standard, "DJT has already made a statement and nothing else needs to be said" bullshit.

Why does no one demand follow up from these fucks? Why does the journalist class, who is publicly viewed as the enemy by this Admin and it's mouthpieces still act as stenographers and nothing more?

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Are republicans born with the hypocrisy gene? Is it in their f**king dna? Absolutely incredible!

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I like it, but that's a World Cup photo op, I'm guessing.

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Right? Thats why I stick with strippers. At least with them you know the connection is real...

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i dunno. Dripping it out (phrasing!) gets him more attention over the long run. If it all comes out at once (are we still doing phrasing?) then it's a 3-day story and over.

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I never understood who that character was or what he meant to the show- but I always appreciated his zeal, dancing shirtless to the hottest tracks with the fattest beats.

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