This is how stupid people react when they lose privilege. They think being called out on saying terrible things that they've gotten away with saying all their lives, because they grew up in a racist shithole, is being attacked. Really it's just push-back on their own attacks on others.

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You know what racist white people? If decent people were angry at your ignorant bigoted statements before, decent people most certainly aren't going to be sympathetic at your whining about not being able to say ignorant bigoted statements without being labeled racist.

OR, look at it like this. If you have the right to your 1830's opinions on who is more or less human, you have a right to those opinions. But guess what, OTHER people in the world have the right to have the opinion that you are lower than the scum I clean out of my garbage disposal and as a result, want nothing to do with you.

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I agree with you 100%. But here's the thing. These people vote, and they feel what they feel, and you telling them their feelings are wrong won't change a thing. Nor will you patting yourselves on the back for being so much better than they are.

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No one is going to sell you into white slavery.


Dammit, I was so looking forward to a break from Wage Slavery, to say nothing of an all-expenses-paid trip to Uzbeki-Beki-Bekistan..

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... and Three Corinthians ducked.

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Turdgoblin! Never heard that word, gonna use it every chance I get now!!

The views you wrote about are what I hear every day I venture out of my apartment - on the bus, in shops, in restaurants, and especially in the senior center (which I no longer go to for free exercise classes, because the people are so obnoxious). I get so tired listening to people my age (I am 60) and older rant and rave about "political correctness" when they really mean is "I can't spew hateful, bigoted ideas in public without someone telling me off".

Yeah, that person "telling you off" is usually me, because you are a bitter, racist, smug fundamentalist who thinks that seeing Trump on TV gives you free license to shout your ugly opinions on the bus with impunity.

I live in central PA. I am considering a gofundme page to raise money so I can move to Seattle or somewhere progressive. The people here make me sick.

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Maybe so, but we can certainly tell them to shut up when they start spouting their racist crap in public places, for all to hear. And trust me, they do this - speaking to no one in particular, they just start making nasty comments because they assume they are right and that everyone agrees with them.

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Central Pennsylvania. Memphis. I have lived in both places and these people are everywhere.

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Except for Bernie Sanders. And me. And my friends who were all Vietnam War protesters back in the day. Not all old people, thank goodness.

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You are free to disagree, but your categorization of these people as racists for being completely rational makes you the bigot here, not them. Everything you quoted these people saying is quite reasonable. Political correctness is a huge problem, or have you not looked at the devastation that Title IX has unleashed on our classrooms. Teachers are afraid to speak, for fear of a racism/sexism/anti-whateverism witch hunt. It is indeed a HUGE problem.

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Nice hate site, hippie.

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yeah . . . it's white American cheese and mayonnaise on white bread with the crusts cut off or GTFO!!!!!

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We were poor so it was ketchup on white bread and we ate the crusts because we were poor.

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I dont think any if those people have red hair, unless theres an irish blodline in there somewhere. But I could be wrong.

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It's true, we Dems had a lot of complaints about the Cheney/Bush culture of greed, corruption, warmongering, greed, lying, jingoism, greed, torture, unconstitutional law enforcement policies (to keep us safe), and greed.

On the other hand, the right wing republican nut jobs are upset because they can't be public bigots without someone pointing out that they're bigots.

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