I had to regretfully turn off NPR years ago when they decided that their feelings were hurt for being called "lefties" and started giving right-wingers air time *without comment*. Sure, let the RWNJ rant for a bit and then say "Hmm, that is an interesting point of view - of course, you are full of shit for the following reasons..."

More "The earth may not be roundish - opinions differ" journalism.

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So, Santorum claims the federal government is making it impossible to make a living? How long has he been milking a single term in the Senate? Making a good dime at it, too.

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Yeah I thought that, too, but there was a specific treaty regarding the land that is now a wildlife refuge, promised to the Paiutes, that the govt weaseled its way out of, and the tribe got relocated rather than a reservation, as I understand it. Seems like you actually could make a federal case out of that one.

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I think it's called "cherry-picking", a particularly popular technique among ideologues who wanna have it 'both ways'… by citing 'authority' while sticking to their prejudices. It was also common among southern preachers trying to 'prove' that the Bible supported the subjugation of brown folks.

In Civil War, the Bible became a weapon - USATODAY http://usatoday30.usatoday....

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What part of THESE IS WHITE FOLKS TALKIN' HERE don't you understand?

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He always types with his pinky finger extended.

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Spiro Agnew?

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Something's going on with Megyn Kelly. She seems to be turning away from the dark side. My whole world is turning upside down.

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Just what we need. A president who's even dumber than Bush II.

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They've tried to make many a federal case out of those things. See Kinzua Dam plus about 500+ other treaties, give or take.So far, I do not think any Fed cases came back pro-treaty, oddly enough

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Even as a former Mormon, these guys make me feel shame-by-association. Not the smartest wingjobs to fall from the gunnut tree...

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"Cold enough to freeze vodka" is my new go to line for really cold things.

I might even cite Wonkette, too.

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Just nattering my way through life

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Negatively? Maybe. But with impeccable make-up and hair.

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So long since I drank tba....memories...

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